8. Coffee Break

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8. Coffee Break


rush hour has occurred twice in the last 4 hours ive been working, and it was time for my 4th coffee break and breather. half an hour to chill before im back in a hopefully chill cafe. i make myself a coffee, putting 4.50 in the cash register and finding myself a seat. the cafe was quiet for the moment, like it always was on my breaks.

as i took a sip of the hot deliciousness, moo, bonnie, jon and tanner walked into the small shop. i rolled my eyes but smiled and waved them over.

Moo pointed towards me and came over, everyone squishing into the 4 seater booth. Tanner grabbed a chair and sat on the outside, his muscled arms making Jon and Bonnies seat a little squishy for 3 people.

"hows work?" moo asks, calling over one of the new requites to take their order. i roll my eyes and sip my coffee, "its alright. 2 rush hours and 4 half an hour breaks. 2 more to go and i can go home and sleep." tanner and Jon chuckled when bonnie and moo snorted.

"yeah, have fun sleeping. well make sure to be extra loud on your side of the dorm." i frowned until it dawned on me what Moo was proclaiming.

"we already had a sleepover. just last week!" i say, hoping to change their minds. they all shrugged. "well, now tanner will be there and we all know bonnie and jons rooms are to small with little nerds on the other side-" i roll my eyes and point to myself, "im a little nerd. whats the difference?" i really didnt want to have a little party.

dont get me wrong, i did! but i have work again tomorrow, but at the aquarium.

yes, i have two jobs. the cafe was new, ive been working at the aquarium since i was 14, and ive grown close with all the sea creatures. Especially Luptus and Percy.

"guys-" "bud out Tanner." everyone says in sync as they stare at me and i slightly blush.

i sigh and get up, grabbing my phone from my purse so i could call Andrew or Sally. Sally picked up on the second ring.

"this is Sally from Adelaide Animal Aquarium, how may i help you?" her sweet voice rang through the receiver, and i smiled. "hey Sally, its Kaci." i could hear her faint squeal in the background. weve grown very close, along with andrew, since i started working there, despite the 10 year age difference.

"hey girl! oh no, your not sick are you?!" she says quite sadly, and we all knew why.

Sally and Andrew werent the only ones i came to come close to, which made me go to the aquarium in the afternoon during the week when i had morning classes.

"no, no not at all. wouldnt miss a day to see my boys. i havent been able to see them this week. im just calling to ask if its ok im a little late in the morning. my shared dorm room occupant has decided to throw a mini party without my permission." she knew who i was talking about.

"yes sure! andrew will be here early anyway. just be here before opening." i answer a quick ok before hanging up, and go back to our table where everyone is drinking coffee.

"ok. fine. but i want everyones asses out before 11 tomorrow, and when i get back from work i expect at least my side of the room clean." they all nod in excitement, giggling and telling Tanner about our awesome get together night parties and how well need to make him a girl costume like jons.

i sigh and go back to my job, unpleased i didnt get a ciggie.

im not a big writer, but if enjoying - tell me in the comments bellow and after chapter 10, ill start - try to start writing longer!


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