"Fireproof doesn't mean a fire will never come, but that when it comes you'll be able to withstand it."
-Fireproof The Movie-

I was sitting on the table Justin sitting in a chair next to me as we watched Frankenstien. I looked away lightly rubbing my finger between my thumb and index finger,a nervous twitch that became a habit later on down the road. Justin got up hearing the phone ring and I watched him talking, curious.
"Cap'n, its your mom." He said.
What's going on now?
"Transfer it to the dorm area." I say and wiped Spots fuzz off my pants getting up, "Thanks Jay."
"No problem Cap'n." He said as I walked away. A million things were going through my head.
"Mom?" I say picking up.
'Michael son..'
"Mom!!" I say.
'Hi son. How are you?'
"Good. Whats wrong Mom?" I ask worried.
'Your father and I are getting a divorce.'
My left hand that was down on the table began to shake.
"W-Why?" I ask.
'After you left us, your father became a different person,son. I better not catch you abusing Alyssa. You hear me son?'
Both my hands were now shaking.
"Y-Yeah mom. I gotta go." I say and hung up.
How was my father even capable of hurting my mother? He never did when I was a kid.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. As soon as Captain Hammer got here B shift would be taking over and we could go home, all of us.
Just as I thought of calling my wife I heard Justin calling me.

Backdraft (#5 of The Firemans Promise)Where stories live. Discover now