"Watch what you may do, go and say Aly, because little eyes are always watching and little ears are always listening."
-My dad-

Annabeth woke up shouting at the top of her lungs startling my wife when she grabbed Anna's hand squeezing it gently.
"Your okay darling." She said brushing her daughters hand softly, "It's all right."
She continued to talk to our daughter softly as she came too.
"Momma," Annabeth says, "Where am I?"
"Your where momma works, the hospital." She says when Anna groaned, Anna hated hospitals just like I did.
"Because of the snakebite?" She wondered.
"Yeah." She answered.
"Wheres daddy?" Annabeth asked.
"He's here." She says when I placed my hand on her bed.
"I'm here. And I love you." I say smiling.
'Engine 52, Squad 52 fully involved four-story building occupants trapped inside. 2889 Yuma Drive, Cross street Hollander, Time out 10:45.'
I looked at my wife and kid.
"Go."She said, "I'll sit with her."
"Alright. Station 52 responding. KMG 365." I say and my wife kissed me.
"Be safe..Mike." She said as I rushed out of the door finding our engineer and the others.

Backdraft (#5 of The Firemans Promise)Where stories live. Discover now