"A woman's like a rose. If you treat her right, she'll bloom. It you don't, she'll wilt."

I had been trapped for hours. I knew the others wouldn't give up but, I also knew they had to follow orders when something happens and I couldn't order them the second in command Captain Hammer would jump in. I heard the building groaning as more parts of it fell. I braced myself for what might come next. The left side collasped and I saw our emergency helicopter that was supposed to wait for us as I saw Destins body over the split in the middle. I picked him up and began to climb down the side of the house. Waving my arms I yelled and shouted trying to get their attention as they flew away. Yet again, I got left behind..Why? I don't know. Obiviously they haven't seen the movie 'Fireproof' yet to know how important partners are.

Backdraft (#5 of The Firemans Promise)Where stories live. Discover now