-Part 2-

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Annabeth sat still in my lap as the next scene came up with Nick Fury in the hospital. She watched Steve closely.
"What is it?" I say seeing her crane her neck towards Captain America.
"I was thinking." She says smiling.
"About?" I say.
"Captain America is a lot like you Daddy."
She says making me smile.
"Sure is." I say messing with her hair playfully, "Lets see what happens to Fury."
"Ok." She says and leaned back into me while we continued to watch the hospital scene.
"Don't do this to me." Natasha said.
"He was fast.." Steve says, "And strong, he had a metal arm."
"KGB," Said the Woman that worked for Fury as she stared at him as Nurses and Doctors were rushing around him trying to keep him alive, "Soviet made slug."
"Is he dead?" She asks me.
"Lets wait and see." I tell her.
Anna watched closely as Steve left the hospital room with Natasha. They were arguing. Annabeth squirmed uncomfortable as they continued Steve pushing Nat into the wall.
Annabeth hated conflict even when it was on tv.

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