Part 2

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My wife was already asleep on her side of the bed. She layed on her left side cuddling close to my side her hair in her face and splayed out towards my side. I turned unbuttoning my blue top and undoing my belt and the zipper then the inside button to my procter brand blues work Station pants. I folded my shirt neatly and put it on the dresser and found me a black shirt to sleep in. Then I took off my pants blousing them over my home pair of work boots and placed them at my side of the bed slipping into my sleeping pants. I layed down thinking.
I'm probably going to be just like my father either way now. I sighed quietly turning on my side staring at the wall. I was going to accept the fact there was nothing I could do even though I didn't like it.

Backdraft (#5 of The Firemans Promise)Where stories live. Discover now