Chapter Five

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Luke dropped me off in front off Carrie's house and drove off to pick up Kristy I guess. God I hated her. My stomach started to feel weird now that I was standing in front of Carrie's home. I noticed that there were no cars here which probably meant no one was home. And sadly I was kind've hoping that no one was.

When I told Luke to take me here I felt that I was ready to come here. But when Luke parked the car at the curb to drop me off I started to regret the decision of coming here and was going to ask Luke to take me home. Then I decided against it thinking that it would be best to just get this over and done with.

I forced myself to walk up the drive way and stand in front of the door. I hesitated before knocking. I wasn't expecting anyone to answer the door so I was surprised when Shawn answered it.

He looked just as surprised to see me. "Hayley."


He gave me a quick hug then stepped back to open the door wider to let me in. The house looked exactly the same. The living room was that ugly off white color it always was and the couch and floral patterned chairs were surrounding the glass coffee table. Even that weird ugly looking pink unicorn figurine was still set on the small table by the front door.

Shawn led me down the hall to the family room. He sat down on the brown recliner chair and gestured for me to sit on the one next to him. So I did. He started to watch t.v and when I looked to watch I saw Bella and Edward dancing at their prom.

"Twilight? Really?" I asked.

Shawn shrugged. "I was flipping through the channel's when you knocked on the door," he said getting ready to change it.

"Don't change it! This was Carrie's favorite movie."

When I mentioned Carrie's name Shawn frowned and shifted in his seat. He obviously knew that. She use to make us sit and watch this with her all the time while making rude remarks to it. For our punishment Carrie would smack us.

"You hanging in there?" Shawn asked referring to the whole Carrie incident.

"I'm hanging. You?"

He nodded. "Same thing."

"It hurt's. A lot."

"I know."

We watched the last two minutes of twilight until the credits rolled on the screen. Shawn started flipping through the channels not stopping until he found some action movie that was playing.

"Your moms getting married," Shawn stated.

I sighed. He was the second person to ask me about this today. "Unfortunately."

"Why unfortunately?"

"Because now that she's getting married I have to move into a new house and live with a step brother and sister."

He nodded since he could relate to me. After all he had three sisters. Now he only has two.

"How old are they?"

"Logan is sixteen and Molly is six."

 "You know I've always looked at you as a sister." Shawn said after a long moment of silence. "So if Logan ever bothers you just let me know and I'll kick his ass for you."

I smiled. ''I doubt you'll need to do that with Logan but I think there is someone else's ass you can kick for me."



He smiled. "Well I better get on that."

I nodded, Knowing that he was joking. "Where's your mom?"

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