Chapter Seven

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The morning after my nightmare I woke up to Logan snoring. Turns out that after I had fallen asleep he had fallen asleep to. It didn't bother me but I'm sure if my mom saw us she'd freak out. Every night after that the same nightmare kept coming back. It replayed the same thing over and over again. And every night Logan would come to my room and wait with me until I'd fall asleep.

Every time I had the nightmare Logan would ask me what happened. I'd tell him the same thing. It was to hard to talk about. I couldn't tell him that I was the one who found her dead. Well, almost dead. I watched her slowly die. I tried not to think about it.

I focused on figuring out what I was going to wear. Today I was going back to school. And Logan was coming to school with me. At least I wouldn't be alone. I settled on wearing jeans and a navy blue long sleeve shirt. Something simple so I wouldn't stand out.  

"Hayley! Come and eat breakfast!" mom shouted from downstairs.

When I got downstairs mom was waiting for me and she shoved a bowl of fruit into my heads. She walked into the kitchen.

"Sit and eat," she said pointing to a chair. "You have a long day ahead of you."

"I know."

Logan sat quietly at the table eating a bowl of Coco Puffs. Mom was unpacking a box full of kitchen utensils. No one said anything for awhile. I enjoyed. But of course everything has to come to an end.

"We gotta go," Logan said getting up from the table and placing it into the kitchen sink.

On the way to school I started feeling nervous. My hands were shaking and I was sweating. Why did I agree to come to school? I wasn't as ready as I thought I was. To keep myself distracted I started playing with my fingers and the ring Carrie had given me a few years ago.

"Why are you nervous?"


Logan chuckled.

"What?" I asked turning in my seat to glare at him.

"I'm the one starting a new school and I only know one person and you are nervous? I should be the one nervous. Not you."

I thought about what Logan said. I did have other friends here besides Carrie. Logan only knew me. I've been going to this school since ninth grade and Logan had to leave behind all his other friends. I actually felt bad for him. He should be more nervous then me.

"You're right. But I'm pretty sure you won't have a hard time fitting in."

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the school. Instantly I began to feel nervous again when I laid my eyes on the two story building. Logan drove around the parking lot looking for an open spot. Many other kids were doing the same thing and heading inside to get their books.

When Logan found a parking we both walked into the school together. It felt weird stepping in the school and walking the halls without Carrie. Student's were congregating by their locker's and the bathrooms. Immediately when I walked into the school everyone stopped talking to look at me.

It was so silent you could hear a pen drop from a mile away. Everyone kept staring at me. I wanted to turn around and run. I wanted to be anywhere but here. A few people stopped staring at me but only to whisper something to their friends.

"It's gonna be okay," Logan said from behind me.

I nodded. I didn't believe him. Nothing was going to be okay. Every thing was wrong. I have never felt so alone before. Logan walked off to go find his locker and I did the same.

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