Chapter Twelve

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"Hayley, wake up. Don't make me slap you," I hear Logan's voice calling to me.

"What?" I said rubbing my eyes to see. "Was I screaming again?"

"No but you were calling Carrie's name."

I yawned and laid back down onto the pillows. He had woken me up just because I was calling my dead best friend's name.

"Hayley, can I ask you something."


"Where's your dad?"

I opened my eyes and took a real, long good look at him. Logan was in nothing but what looked like to be an old pair of gym shorts. Did I just hear him correctly? Was he really asking me that right now at two o'clock in the morning!

"Why do you wanna know?" I asked.

"I was just wondering."

"I'll tell you if you answer my question."

Logan took a deep breath "Which is?"

"Where's your mom?"

"I knew you were gonna ask that."

"Fair is fair," I said closing my eyes again. "My dad died when I was three."


"Car accident," I said. Logan was quiet which made me worry cause I thought he had fallen asleep and he couldn't do that because he still had to answer my question. "Where's your mom?"

"I don't know. She left when I was young. I barely remember her."

"Is your mom also Molly's mom?"

"Yup. No more questions. Go to sleep."

* * *

"You okay?" Chris asked looking away from the road to me. He was driving both me and him to school this morning like he always did. I was glad he was doing it to because I hated being in the same car as Logan and Becca.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know you just seem....distant."

I looked out the window hoping he would change the subject. "What are you doing this weekend?" I asked.

"Nothing much, why?"

"Well my mom wants be to go to this store to pick up the wedding invitations she ordered. Do you wanna go with me then we could hang out and do something. What do you say?"


* * *

Sitting in class was hard thing for me to do especially since Carrie's diary was at home and I wanted to read it. I decided to not bring the diary to school because I was afraid someone would find it. When Chris dropped me I kissed him goodbye and took of running inside the house.

I opened the diary to the first entry written in it.

April 24th

Today M. took me to the park at midnight for our first date. We both decided to not tell anyone that we're seeing each other. And it's hard because when I see him at school I wanna go up to him and kiss him. Whenever he talks to another girl, this fire lights up inside of me and I wanna throw them out the window. But I know violence isn't the answer. It hurts that I can't tell Hayley but I'm afraid of what she's gonna say. I hope she can figure it out on her own.


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