Chapter Fifteen

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When I woke up today, I forced myself to not think about Logan's kiss or our conversation for that matter. Instead I thought about mom's wedding, Carrie's diary, and even Shawn. Speaking of which, I was gonna go to the hospital today for a few hours to visit him and see if he's gotten any better. I doubt it but still, I needed to go see him. I was in that car accident too.

"Mom, can I borrow your car for today?" I asked.

She was in the kitchen cutting up fruit "Sure. For what?"

"I'm gonna go to the hospital."

Mom gave me another one of her oh-poor-thing- looks "Do you really think that's a great idea?"

"Maybe. I just think I really need to go see him. I was there with him to you know."

"I know. The keys are on the table by the front door."

"Thanks," I said then headed for the door. I really needed to get out of here, I felt trapped in this house, which is ironic since the house is freaking huge.

* * *

When I got to the hospital I asked the nurse where I could find Shawn and we got into this little argument. She said I couldn't go see him unless I was family so I told her that I was his sister. She looked me up and down then said we looked nothing alike. I lied and told her that I was adopted, and the funny thing was she believed me then.

Shawn looked like he was only sleeping and that he would wake up soon, but a voice in my head said he probably never would. I got all choked up at the thought of Shawn dieing. That would be two out of four of the Harper kids to die.

I was surprised that no one was here. I grabbed the chair by the bed, pulled it closer, then sat down. I took Shawn's massive hand into mine and stared at the IV bag. I didn't know what to say, I wasn't even sure if he could hear me.

"I'm sorry. It should be me in this bed. Not you," I said.

I kept thinking Shawn was just asleep and playing a prank on me, but he wasn't. I wasn't even sure if he would survive to play another prank on me. Tears started to spill down my cheeks. It seems like everyone who comes into contact with me get's hurt and I hated that.

"Come on Shawn, you have to wake up and live. You're only eighteen. You haven't even graduated high school yet. You need to fight and wake up....please don't die."

More tears ran down my cheeks.

"Please wake up...."

Just then the door opened and I wiped away my tears. I was expecting a nurse or doctor to come in but not Jeremy. As soon as he saw me he froze and didn't move any closer.

He still looked the same. Short curly brown hair, brown eyes, and standing over six feet tall. I didn't know what to say to him and one thought came to my mind. He blames me for Carrie's death. And I blame myself to.

Jeremy really loved Carrie, even after she broke his heart for some other guy that she couldn't tell me about. Jeremy would do anything for Carrie and hurt anyone that hurt her. I knew that, Shawn knew that, everyone knew that except for Carrie.

His intense gaze made me cringe just a little bit.

"I didn't know you'd be here," he said walking to the foot of the bed.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you weren't there for Carrie."

I sucked in my breath and my heart exploded into pieces. He really thought I wasn't there for Carrie and that's whys she's dead now.

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