Chapter Eight

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"Carrie?" I opened her bedroom door and walked in. Her room was empty. The bathroom door was slightly open. I pushed the door to open it wider. I looked down at my feet to find them covered in blood. My stomach started turning.

Carrie was lying on the floor, her back pressed up against the wall. There was blood all around her. I ran over to her and shook her shoulders hard.

"Carrie! Wake up! Carrie!" I screamed.

She brought her head up but her eyes were still closed. She looked pale. Really pale. Her lips were starting to turn blue. No! No! She couldn't die! But there was so much blood everywhere. I don't know what could've caused this. Then something shiny and glistening caught my attention. It was a box cutter. Why the hell did she have a box cutter?

"Hayley..." her voice was hoarse. Her eyes began to flutter.

I slapped her cheek to keep her awake. Carrie was going to die. I couldn't stop it all I could do was watch. Tears started pouring down my face. I was loosing my best friend. Carrie slowly opened her eyes and my hopes went up that she was going to survive.

Carrie's eyes were open, but they didn't look the same. They weren't their normal hazel color instead they were red. I gasped. I have never seen this before and it was really freaking me out. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. My whole body stopped responding.

"See what you did to me," Carrie said never taking her red eyes off my brown ones.

Then everything went black. I blinked my eyes a couple of times hoping that my vision would come back then I realized what I was seeing was the dark. I was surrounded by nothing but darkness. Wake up! Wake up!

Blue and red lights were flashing off and on in the distance and I walked towards it. As I got closer and closer the lights would slowly fade until they were completely gone. No! Someone started laughing. I'd recognized that care free voice anywhere. Carrie.

"Carrie?" I called out.


I was scared and alone and I needed to wake up and get out of this place. What if I couldn't wake up? What if I was stuck here? I wonder if this is what Carrie was seeing when she died. I felt sorry for her if she had to go through something like this. Tears started welling up in my eyes because I couldn't wake myself up and make this all disappear. 

I wiped the tears away with my hand and attempted to calm myself down. I took deep breaths and wiped away the last of the tears. My hands felt sticky and gross so I looked down at my hands and screamed. There was blood covering my arms and hands, it looked like I dumped my arms into a bucket of blood. Carrie started laughing again. 

I woke not only myself up but Logan to from all the screaming I was doing. Logan sat down on my bed in front of me and did his best to calm me down.

"Hayley. It's okay," he said then hugged me.

I had stopped crying and now I was hyperventilating and making this weird hiccuping noise. So unattractive. I bet Becca never did anything like that.

"Same nightmare?"

I shook my head. "A...little...different," I said in between hiccups.

"Want me to stay in here tonight?"

I nodded. The hiccups were starting to go away which was a good thing. I laid back down and Logan laid next to me. I kept some distance between us though because we haven't really been talking much and it felt I don't know...awkward. After we dropped Becca off at home yesterday I ignored Logan completely. I don't know why I did it , I just did. I guess I was mad at him.

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