In hiding ( sons of anarchy)

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All I wanted was a normal life but that sure as hell was not the life I had right know. I looked out the cop car window and frownd. "Why are you taking me to such a small town...charming " I smirked. I had never been here before and honestly I didn't want to be here. If it wasn't for Sam I wouldn't be here. We pulled up to a police station probably the only one it town. Stahl jumped out opened the door for me to jump out but I didn't I stared strait head. "Marissa get out of the car" stahl said a barely moved. When stahl grabbed my arm and pulled me out all I wanted to was pull back and punch her in the face! "So basically your saying I'm under house arrest till u finish this case" I asked stahl sitting back in the very uncomfortable chair in the interrogation room. " yes, you at to note talk to anyone about this and don't get in to any trouble try and go about living a normal life" stahl said picking up all the files and papers of the table. " can I leave know ?" I asked standing up. " yes we have bought a house for you to stay in and have left some money in the closet you should Be able to with that" stahl said and then opened the door and I headed to my new house " trouble here I come!" I whispered.

I arrived at my new called home the only place I called home was back in new York but I didn't even want to be there right know. I walked in to my house... it was beautiful... it was clean and not me I never had expensive things. I didn't like expensive things. as I was looking around I remembered I wasn't in new York anymore and that I needed a job. my old job in new York was modeling and some times I was in movies but most if the time I was in front of a camera. it was my old job and the only thing I new how to do. I went through my bag and found short shorts that barely covered my ass and a tube top.. boy my wardrobe was small. I have this a t shirt and sweats. I frowned I grabbed a couple hundreds from my closet my purse and keys and my black heels and headed to the place I new people like me would hang out a club!

I found the club it wasn't that hard it was the only club in town as soon as I entered the club I headed strait for the bar.. I needed a drink definitely with everything going on right know. I took a set at the bar I was the only one there besides the bartender. "vodka. Please" I said " are you sure" he asked looking at me like I was twelve. "yes" I said as he handed me y drink I downed it in one sip. after I slammed the drink on the counter the bartender was staring at me like I was crazy. " what never see a girl drink before" I asked spinning around on the chair so I was facing the dance floor. the only things you saw in this club was kissing dancing and drinking I laughed it reminded me a lot of new York. that's when I noticed a girl in the idle of the dance floor she was wearing everything I was, the only thing that was different was her tube top it was a different colour. I jumped of the stool and headed strait for her I pushed passed way to many people to count. I herd whistling and guys trying to tough me but I kept dogging them. I swear I was going to turn around and smack all of them upside the face. but I restrained my self and kept walking. I finally reached her and touched her shoulder she swung around and faced me. " hey I was won..." I said as she interrupted me " well you must be knew here. because you look like a piece of candy" she said as she bit her bottom lip. I smirked. she's odiously drunk. "well any way.. I was wondering if you knew any where were I could get a job" I asked strait out. she stared at me" i'm sure I could as LuAnn " she said a little excited. " come to cara cara tomorrow and we can talk to LuAnn and see what she says" she said hugging me. she smelt of booze. I let go of her. "thanks" I said smiling and headed for the door I wanted to get out it stunk so bad and I didn't feel like drinking anymore.. I got in my car and headed for my house. all I could think of was stahl's words in my head "stay out of trouble" I laughed all I new was trouble. I sped away.

I awoke up the next morning got dressed in the clothing I was wearing yesterday except for my shorts I changed it to sweats. after getting dressed I had breakfast. I ran over to my laptop and searched up cara cara I only got one hit and it was about 5 mins out of charming and by the pictures i'm guessing that was the one.. I grabbed my keys and purse and headed to cara cara.

I arrived at cara cara. There where a couple girls hanging out side. I parked beside the other cars and jumped out I left my purse behind because I was sure I wasn't going to need it."well well well you must be new " some girl said as I turned around. "Ya I'm marissa" I said leaning against my car. "What at are you doing here" she asked chewing her gum and leaning on her hip. " I'm here looking for a job " I said smirking. " we'll there ain't any jobs here"she said getting I'm my face. "Get out of my face" I said standing strait "why what you going to do about it" she said smiling "I'm going to pound that pretty little face of yours so it ain't so pretty anymore then there will be a job" I said smiling. She laughed "hey hey hey girls no need for fighting" some girl said coming from behind the crazy bitch. Then I realized it was the girl from last night. The snobby bitch walked of " sorry about that you always meet a bitch like that in this business"she laughed I smiled " I'm lyla" she said " I'm marissa" I said I bearly finished my sentence when she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the wear house. There were girls half dressed every wear I wouldn't call it clothing because it bearly covered there body's. I saw who I thought was Luann She was sitting in front of a camera taken notes it looked like they were shooting some movie. Two girls in a couch where making out. Lyla dragged me over to Luann. "Cuttt" Luann called "hey Luann " lyla asked "yes Darlin" she answered "marissa new to charming and she's looking for a job" lyla said . " ya I have excperiece I'm from new york" as soon as I said New York her face lit up. "Ya you can have the job you start on monday" she said shaking my hand and getting back to her camera. Lyla hugged me she was so excited. " ok so.... I guess you should meet the guys" lyla said dragging me again toward a guy. I had to admit he was cute he had blond hair that went to about his shoulders and his eyes wear blue."hey jaxs this is marissa she's new here" lyla said letting go of my hand. "Hey darlin I'm Jackson teller" he said shaking my hand. In the corner of my eye I saw lyla leave. When all of a sudden some one grabbed my waist and pulled me back I freaked out and grabbed my knife I hide in my bra just in case for emergencies. I put the knife to the mans throat behind me "don't ever do that again" I said. Freaking out. " Hey take it easy " the man said "marissa put the knife away" jaxs said. He took the knife from my hand. The man staried at me. Then walked away. I looked down and then turned to jaxs " I got to go" I said I left before he could answer I didn't want jaxs saying anything. What just happened brought back to much memories. I ran to my car and drove home.

After I arrived home I sat I'm my car for about go before my phone rang.i dug through my purse to get my phone.

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