chapter 6: the day after the sleepover....

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                                                       chapter 7: Next day

                    I woke up with Violet smacking my face. That’s it I’m never sleeping with her again.  I looked at Ava to see if she wasn’t  still sleeping but I didn’t see her. I brushed my hair and teeth and went  down stair’s to see if she was there. I walked in to see Blake cooking breakfast I started to laugh but said. “aww how cute.  You look adorable making pancakes.”

He jumped of the sound of the voice turned and some pancakes mix fell on my face .”what are you doing? You scared the living crap out of me.” he said turning back to the stove . I laughed and harder someone come down the stair’s. I looked to see Blaze and Ava.

“what’s up twin’s?” I asked.

“mom and dad want’s us home today. Ivy sent me the text that dad was pissed off and needed to talk to us.” I looked at him worried and looked back at Blake. He saw my worried expression and he said “ what’s wrong babe?” 

“we need to go sorry. Go get dress guys I don’t want us to be in trouble.” I said. I went up stair’s to get dress when I felt warm hands grab me and pushed me to the wall.  Before I could speak I felt lips on mine and I knew that it was Dylan. I didn’t mean to but I gave in and kissed him back.

   As we where about to pull back I heard someone cough. I looked and saw Blake. I went to go talk to him but he turned away and Dylan didn’t let me go. I looked at him and I was so angry with him. 

I  smacked him in the face and said. “ Dylan let me the fuck go. You broke up with me. You left me. When I go to some one else you want to kiss me. You hurt me so bad.” I said crying in his chest. 

“I know and I’m so sorry. Please take me back. I wont let no hurt you or your family again. Please Beatrice. I’ve missed so much. I just thought since you didn’t pay much to me you didn’t love me no more.  I always’s love you. Why you think I bugged you so much. Why you think I stopped Bret from hitting on you. I was so mad when you got with Blake.”  he said crying.

“I love you Dylan but we can’t be together I‘m with Blake and your in the cypress.” I told him.

“I’m not I never was. I was seeing what they could do. I was checking them out that’s why I broke up with you. If you knew you wouldn’t  have let me do it. Please take me back please forget about that Blake kid I‘m much better.” he said looking at me in the eye’s. 

“no, he treats me better and I love him. I‘m sorry.” I said looking at him.

“ok” he said letting me go. 

    I got dressed really fast in a pair of  black skinny’s and a Escape The Fate tee. I walked down to see if the twins were ready but they weren’t. I looked for Blake and found him on the couch with his head in his hand’s. 

“Blake you ok?” I asked sitting next to him.

“no, you played with me. You made me think you like me.” he said looking at me with hate and anger. 

“no, I do like you. He asked me to take him back but I said no because I want you.” I said looking down. Then I saw his arm. “why are you bleeding?”

“I um I cut myself.”


“because I thought you were going to leave me.”

“don’t do that you hear me.” I said looking at him. “your mine and I’m your’s.”

“yeah you bet I’m your’s.” he said laughing. I looked at him and I kissed him. I stopped when I heard all our friends awing us. We looked at them and said “shut up” 

“oh my god your ready guy’s? we need to leave I don’t want to get bea-” I stopped myself knowing that Blake was hearing. “lets just go.”

       I looked at Blake and I saw he knew I was hiding something. “ I need a ride home can you take us please?” I begged Blake.

“no need for begging I’m your boyfriend come on.” he said leading us to his car.

*ff-when we got to my house*

   We got to my house. I had told Blake to wait outside. When I got inside I saw my father with my mother and Ivy and a bunch of boxes.

“we need you to move out TODAY.” my father said. I looked at him like he was crazy. Where we going to go I know I had money but I didn’t have enough yet. 

“we don’t have any where to go.” I said to him. “why are you doing this. When I was small you loved me and ivy equal what’s so different now! Huh? We are all family you’re my father and you’re my mother. How can you do this to me and the twins. We never did anything bad. We where always good.”

“we are leaving ok. We never wanted you guys. Your nothing to us. Now take your worthless shit and get out.” he said

“fine, but you will never see us again. You can burn in hell.” I said while me and he twins grabbed our stuff. “and give me back my money.” I said as I saw him counting it.

“no. its not your’s.” I looked at him so angry I snach my money out of his hand and said. “while you didn’t care for us I got it from working on like you.” I said leaving out the front door behind my little siblings.


*Authors note*

If you want to know what Blaze, Ava, Blaze, and Beat wore go here:

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