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Glimmer and I wave to Shelly as Glimmer puts my car in reverse and we back away from the still raging party. Glimmer knows how to drive and evens has a license, but does not drive for two reasons. One reason is that she does not have a vehicle of her own and the other reason is that she prefers the passenger seat.
Glimmer, Shelly and I had a little bit of a walk from the beach up to our cars on the cliff. Shelly and I's clothes had dried for the most part because of the wind on our journey to our get away vehicles.
Other than Shelly telling me that she had found me in the middle of a cave pool, we really didn't talk about anything. However, I really want to know more about Shelly. I ask Glimmer "So, how do you know Shelly?"
She keeps he eyes on the road and mirrors as she responds. "She's in my science class and we are usually partners for projects and labs. She's really smart for an athlete."
"What kind of athlete? Also what rule says that athletes can't be smart." I'm not really sure why I was being so defensive, but I didn't deny the fact that I felt like I should be.
"Sorry I offended you, but she is captain of the girls swim team at school. She's also really nice, even about my asthma and inhaler."
"Oh, cool. I wish we could swim, without dying. Hey, since your driving do you want to just sleep at my house?"
"Sure, why not? I'll text my dad from your house."
I look at the clock in the car. I had my phone in my pocket when I fell off the cliff. Needless to say it no longer works. The clock says that the time is a little past 9 perfect time for bed on a school night. I had no homework from today's classes, so I felt no guilt over opting for the party instead of focusing on school.
We park in the driveway and climb out of the car. Glimmer immediately pulls out her phone and texts her dad as I guide us into the house. The living-room light is on and I can hear soft sounds from the TV. Mom step into the open door way and says, "Oh, your home earlier than I thought you would be." Her expression goes from plain to curious. "Why is your hair wet?"
"First of all you wanted me to stay out late on a school night?" I raise my eyebrows as far as I can. She just nods. "Okay, well about my hair... I kind of fell off the cliff and drowned in the ocean." My voice is weak because I know this is terrifying her. "Glimmer saw and got help. A girl named Shelly saved me and the EMTs said that I was fine, but need a lot of rest." I say it quickly to make sure she hears everything before saying anything.
She moves towards me quickly and puts her arms around me. "Oh, I'm glad your okay. Why didn't you call or text me?"
"Thing is both my phone and my inhaler were in my pockets when I fell, so they are both ruined. Glimmer is letting me use her inhaler until I get a new one."
"Well I will call to get that set up tomorrow. Why don't head upstairs and get to bed."
"Glimmer is staying over because I am her ride and I don't think I should drive just yet. Maybe in the morning but for tonight she is the driver." Mom nods and motions upstairs with her hand. She turns around and heads back to the living-room.
Glimmer and I head upstairs quickly. In my room which is fairly large with very few pieces of furniture in it. On the far wall is a large window looking towards the ocean. The walls are a pale turquoise color. There is an opening in the wall adjacent to the window on the same side of the room. On the side of the wall closer to the window is a simple desk. On the other side is a tall dresser with turquoise oyster shell handles. My bed is a queen size with turquoise bedding. It sits in the middle of the wall opposite the opening. On the wall with the door the were two things; a full length mirror; and a picture collage. Both were about the same size. In the opening is a vanity with a sink. On either side of the vanity is a door. On one side is my closet and on the other is my hygienic area. I walk to the dresser and open my drawer of p.j.s and pull out two pairs. Tossing one pair to Glimmer I change into mine. I then pull the covers back on my side and climb in, getting comfortable. It doesn't take too long after putting my head on the pillow and pulling the covers up to my waist form me to drift off to sleep.

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