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Mason pulls away with a look of feigned embarrassment and disappointment. I choose not to argue until I am given the chance to tell my side of the story, and follow Mason to the door. As I pass through the door frame next to Mr. Ruble, he puts out his hand and gently holds my arm so I stop walking.
Once Mason has gone down the hall and around the corner, out of earshot, Mr.Ruble says "Follow me." I do as I am told. We travel back to Mr.Ruble's classroom, which is empty for his plan time. "Thank you Miss Hamal, you may go now." Taking his seat behind he says "Give me a moment to make a phone call, please." Picking up his classroom phone he dials and places the phone against his ear. "Hello, Mrs. Sole. I just sent down a Mr. Mason Fauns to discuss an inappropriate encounter with another student. I have the other student here with me and I believe it would be best to keep them separated for now." He pauses to listen to the listen to the person on the other side of the line. "Thank you. That will do. Have a nice day Mrs. Sole." He places the phone back on its home and turns his attention to me. "Would you like to explain the scene I just broke up?"
"Well, Mason forced me into the room and locked the door. He pushed me against the wall and when he heard you opening the door he tried to make it look like what I'm sure you thought it looked like." My eyes start to fill with water.
"It looked like an unpleasant situation for you and Mr. Fauns seemed to be enjoying himself immensely." Not sure how to respond, I decide not to and keep my mouth closed as tears threaten to spill from my eyes. "Mrs. Estuary I do not believe you were in control of the situation and I do not believe you were apart of planning the scene. I believe you are innocent and request that you explain why you would like to change seats now."
I nod and start explaining my encounter yesterday afternoon. My voice shakes as I speak and a few stray tears make their way down my cheek. The bell rings for second hour to start just as I finish my story. Mr. Ruble contemplated my story for a second and then says "Thank you Miss Estuary. That will be all for now." He scribbles something on a small piece of paper and hands it to me. "This should get you into class. Have a nice day."
I take the slip of paper and walk out of the room. Once I am in the hall I start to wipe my eyes and cheeks dry and continue to walking to German. I look at the note and read what it says. Mr. Ruble has written in a beautiful cursive Please excuse Oyster Estuary's tardiness. She was discussing a stressful matter with L. Ruble.
I silently thank him as the morning announcements start. "Good morning! These are your morning announcements for Tuesday October fourth. Don't forget Homecoming is Saturday October fifteenth, so make sure you ask that special someone and buy your tickets NOW! Also remember to vote for Homecoming King and Queen. Both booth will be open until then end of the school day next Friday..." I walk through the classroom door and hand the pass to Herr Wasser*. He nods and motions for me to head to my seat. I take my place and listen to the rest of the announcements. When they finish I focus on learning the new german vocabulary.

*German for Mr. Water

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