XYZ - Made me feel more than I ever did

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Made me feel more than I ever did

Somehow, someway, somewhat
lost around your lock, but
you're not opening up.

Maybe I am not your cup.

Made me feel more

than I ever did before

Doesn't it feel the same?
Maybe I'm the one to blame?

Somewhere, sometime, someplace
Trying to read the riddles on your face

But you're not letting me in

Maybe I'm not under you're skin

Made me feel more

than I ever did before

Doesn't it feel the same?

Maybe I'm the one to blame?

Please, let me in

Wander across your skin

Make your heart spin

Let me win

Because you...

Made me feel more

than I ever did before

Doesn't it feel the same?

Maybe I'm the one to blame?

Made me feel more

than I ever did before

Doesn't it feel the same?
Or is that to high to aim?

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