Reckless - Chapter Ten

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I'm finally on my tenth chapter! o:

Don't forget to vote, comment and most importantly give me feedback! <3 

R E C K L E S S . . . 


“Hello?” called Mr. Veritas again, sounding angry and knocking on the door. “Is Anne in there? We need to talk about her missing detention.”

I exchanged a desperate look with my two friends. “Say I’m not here!” I hissed to Sam under my breath.

“Why do I always have to speak to the teachers when you’re in trouble?” Sam complained loudly. I desperately clapped a hand over her mouth to stop her speaking, but it was too late – the teacher had heard her.

“Anne Forbes, come out here right now!”

“What do we do now?” Sam whispered as I shot her evils.

I sprung to my feet, but not for the reasons that Mr. Veritas might have hoped. “Quick!” I whispered to my friends, ushering them over the window.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Claire said dryly.

“Do you want to go out tonight or what?” I demanded. “We all know this is the only way out without running into him.”

Claire sighed and reached down to take off her heels. “Fine then, Anne. But if I die I’m coming back to life to haunt you or something.” Scooping up her shoes from the floor, she threw them out of the window where they landed on the ground with an ungraceful clunking sound.

Sam and I followed suit and our shoes landed with the same clunking sounds as they hit the ground below, one by one.

“I know you’re in there, Anne.” The knocking changed to a furious pounding as he grew impatient.

 “Do we really have to do this?” Sam said pleadingly. It seemed like Claire agreed with Sam, looking worried as she contemplated the window.

“You don’t have to,” I admitted to them. “I need to, though, otherwise he’s going to put me in detention tonight and we won’t get to go out together.”

Claire frowned in determination. “Then we’re going to have to go with you.” Sam looked hesitant, but resolutely nodded in agreement with the words.

I peered out the window to the darkness below; it looked like a very long drop to the ground. “We’re only two floors up. It will be fine,” I tried to reassure them.

Sam scoffed disbelievingly.

“You can’t hide in there forever, Anne! Open the door right now – or I’m going to have to get a key,” the teacher yelled angrily, rattling the door handle uselessly. I could just imagine him pounding the door right now, red in the face from his anger at me – it definitely wasn’t a pretty sight.

I shrugged indifferently and slung one leg over the window ledge, judging the fall. Grasping the ledge tightly with my hands, I manoeuvred my whole body out of the window and let myself hang there with nothing below my feet except for the ground which was ages away.

“So what’s the plan now?” asked Claire sceptically, looking down at me with an amused look on her face.

Quickly looking around in the dark, and trying to ignore the fact that my fingers could lose grip at any second, my eyes rested on the one thing that seemed as if it could work. “There’s a fire escape just to the right of the window below,” I told Sam and Claire, looking up at their peering faces.

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