Howdy. Here's another chapter, finally.
R E C K L E S S . . .
All I seemed to do for the next few days was puzzle over Brittany’s note. Who did I have to help? Why did she give me a key? And what was the key for anyway? How would this give me any real indication of how the vampires fed at school?
Somehow I didn’t want to know the answers.
‘Anne; You wanted to find out about how we eat. This is the best explanation you’re going to get. Please help her, – B.’
I flipped the note around to look at the back, hoping there was some kind of secret code that I had missed before on the other side of the crumpled paper. Nothing.
I groaned and leant back into the sofa cushions, staring up at the plastered white ceiling of my dorm. I’d just got back from my detention with Mr Olsen, which had regretfully resumed as soon as I’d got back to school, and was flat out exhausted from shovelling and replanting the flower beds for two hours straight.
It was Monday night, exactly a week after I had first found the note, and I was still as confused as ever. Brittany hadn’t and the other supernaturals hadn’t turned up so I could ask her, and Blake had left the school again, no doubt following Chris on his latest escapade. Sam and Claire hardly knew any more than I did and couldn’t shed light on the mysterious note if they tried.
I only had one thing left that I could try and as much as I would hate to do it I’d have to. I was going to have to visit the other vampire hunters.
Without any further contemplation on it, I hopped off the sofa, picked my leather jacket off of the floor and shrugged it on.
Claire and Sam looked up from the laptop screen in front of them, where they were looking at the Facebook profiles of every boy in our year and rating them. “Where are you going?” they asked curiously, peering up at me.
“Out,” I said. “If I’m not back by ten can you call Blake and tell him to move his butt from wherever he happens to be right now and save me.”
“Sure thing,” Claire said, looking back to the screen. “Oh! It’s Craig! He’s a ten.”
“Was he a good kisser?” Sam asked eagerly.
“Totally, I’m definitely finding him again next time we go out somewhere.”
Sam pointed at the screen. “No need, his phone numbers here. What say you we call him?”
“Of course we should!”
“You guys have fun,” I called over my shoulder as I pocketed my phone and walked out the door. “Don’t scare Craig too much when you call him.”
“We’ll try!” they chimed just as I shut the door behind me.
I walked down the empty corridors and into the main hall. Most of the students were in the canteen having dinner but Sam having a broken leg meant that either me or Claire went down and took a few meals to go to eat upstairs in our dorm. Not that I minded, the canteen was full of curiously staring students, wanting to know everything about what had happened to Sam that night in the woods.
Miss Perry didn’t look too pleased to see me when I arrived at the reception. “How can I help you?” she enquired icily.
“Can I sign out please? I said, displaying my most winning smile.
“Because I want to go to town – why else? It’s only seven, I won’t be long.”

VampireSome things are just unintended... like bumping into a conceited vampire at a party, hating his guts then - against all your better judgement and frequent protests - inexplicably making him believe that you've fallen in love with him. Then before yo...