[4.] ♕ Camping || Kagami Taiga

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(A/N: You guys are in America for this)

"So we got the boots, sleeping bags, snacks, clothes..." you mumbled to yourself as you counted off the things on your mental checklist. You and Kagami were currently at the store looking for last minute supplies for your camping trip. A few days ago, Kagami surprised you with the trip. Although, you were still skeptical whether going camping in the winter was actually a good idea or not. But there were probably more things to do in the winter anyway.

You two payed for your items. They were put in bags and you exited the store. You started walking back to Kagami's place. Once you guys got back, Kagami helped you pack everything. You were leaving for the cabins tomorrow and you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited. You and Kagami had fun stuff planned out.


The next morning, you arrived at Kagami's place and loaded the luggage into the car. (A/N: Okay, so Kagami is at an age where he can drive) The drive would take about an hour or so. You fell asleep halfway through the drive and Kagami woke you up when you reached the campsite.

"Oi, (First name), get up," Kagami shook you.

"Wha-huh?" you opened one eye.

"We're here, get up."

"Oh! Okay then."

You hopped off the car and took a look around. There was a small fire pit in front of the house that you probably weren't going to use since it was the middle of winter. The cabin was a decent size for two people to live in. Kagami brought the luggage in while you took a look around.

Once you were finished you joined Kagami by the front door.

"Are you ready, (First name)?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's go," you replied.


First you and Kagami went to rent a pair of skis so you could go cross country skiing. You got the hang of it pretty quick, but Kagami kept tripping. A lot.

"I think that you'd be better at snowboarding," you teased.

"You think?" he said, getting up. (A/N: Because Kagami surfs)

You two kept yourselves busy until the evening. You and Kagami decided to make s'mores, but since you couldn't use the fire pit, you just used the microwave. Before, the s'mores were done, you had to use the bathroom and when you came out, you saw Kagami stuffing his face.

"O-Oi, don't eat all of them Kagami!" you ran over.

Kagami laughed and tossed you a s'more. You caught it, rolled your eyes, and took a bite. You sat next to Kagami.


You were in bed, reading a book when Kagami came out of the bathroom. You put your book down as Kagami got in bed.

"Let's go to sleep," you yawned.

"Yeah," Kagami turned off the lights.

You started dozing off when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you.

"I love you, (First name)," Kagami whispered.


Whoop. Sorry if this was bad.

Hope you all enjoyed Kagami!

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