[7.] ♕ Disappointment (1) || Kise Ryōta

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A/N: And ladies and gentlemen, we are BACK. Starting off with Kise >.> Enjoy, and feel free to request (no lemons please). Sorry if this is bad.

Having Kise Ryōta as your boyfriend was extremely difficult. Almost everyday, his fangirls and other jealous girls would constantly pick on you whenever they could. That's added on to the bullying you get from some other girls. Your self-esteem was already pretty low, and you didn't need it to be lowered any more than it already was.

One day when you and Kise were walking back from school, he noticed your downcast demeanor and decided to ask what had happened.

"(First name)-cchi, is everything okay?" he asked.

You immediately smiled up at him, "Yeah, everything's fine."

He stared skeptically at you, "I don't think everything's okay."

Laughing nervously, you tried to respond to his comment, "Uhhhh.... Yeah.. I was just... Thinking about.... An.... Exam I have in a few days."

You cursed yourself for not being smoother.

Kise continued to stare at you and you smiled innocently at him.

You eventually gave in and sighed, your smile dissipating, "It's your fangirls and some other girls..."


"Your fangirls have been picking on me ever since you and I started dating," you said, finding your shoes interesting to look at. "And some other girls have been bullying me for the fun of it for a while..."

When you looked up again, Kise's eyes were wide.

"(First name)-cchi, why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"I didn't want you to worry--"

Kise grabbed you shoulders and looked you in the eyes, "There's nothing I can do about my fangirls, but I can promise I would never be like those girls."

"I never said you would be."

He smiled brightly, "Well, I promise anyways."

He took your hand and the both of you continued to walk back to your houses. Kise would not shut up the entire time, annoying the hell out of you.

You sighed.

Typical Kise.


It was the summer before your third year of high school at Kaijio Academy and your relationship with Kise was going smoothly, despite the hardships.

Kise would visit regularly or as often as he could. After half of the summer, Kise would visit less and less and eventually stopped altogether. You couldn't understand why.

School was starting in a few weeks, so you thought it would be a good idea to ask him what happened there.

And so you would do just that.


"What do you mean?" Kise asked.

Your hair cast a shadow over your face, "You stopped coming...."

Did he really not realize?

He could've given some kind of warning.

"I can't always come," he reasoned.

"You could've at least given some sort of warning?" you argued.

"What warning would I have needed to give you? I didn't have time."

"So you don't have time for me?"



This was wasn't Kise..

What exactly happened?

Before you could say anything else, a high pitched squeal interrupted you.


You both turned your heads to the voice. A girl was running toward you two, waving.

You recognized her as one of your bullies.

Kise smiled and waved back, either forgetting or not caring that you were there.

Once she saw you, she narrowed her eyes and grabbed onto Kise's arm.

"Lets go before she annoys me too," she glares at you.

"Yeah," Kise agreed, letting her take him away.

That hit you like a truck.

As you watched them go, you thought about how it was possible for someone to change that much in a few months.

"Ryōta, whatever happened to your promise. What happened to 'never?'"

"I don't hate you. I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be."

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Sorry Kise was OOC. He sort of needed to be for this...

I'm a little out of practice with angsts and oneshots.

Requests are open. Request whatever you want, just no lemons.


Kuroko no Basket Oneshots {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt