[16.] ♕ Until || Akashi Seijūrō

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Until (Akashi Seijūrō)

"[First Name], you are going to get married to [Random Boy's Name]."

You tried to forget those words that your father had said and focused on spending time with Akashi, your current boyfriend. Your father's company has been growing in popularity in the past year, and to increase sales, he arranged a marraige to one of the sons of an already popular company. You couldn't bring yourself to tell Akashi because you wanted to spend the rest of your time with him happily until the marraige date arrived.

Or rather, as happily as you could.

Of course since Akashi didn't know about the arranged marraige, he didn't act any different than usual. You, however, had to force things such as smiles and laughs and it was pretty easy to tell something was out of the ordinary.

Akashi brushed it off, trusting that if it was something serious, you would take it upon yourself to tell him. Your heart melted at how much he trusted you, but you felt bad for not being able to trust him. This situation is something that would change your relationship forever, and you didn't tell him.

After a few weeks of you acting like you were, Akashi started to get suspicious. It's been going on for more than a week, he thought. Something must really be wrong.

So Akashi asked you out for a date while walking you back home from picking you up at your college. Taking advantage of the time alone together, he asked about what has been going on the past few weeks.

"[First Name], has something been bothering you lately?" Akashi suddenly asked as he walked you home from [Restaurant]. He thought it was a good time to bring it up because you two were alone and you didn't have anything else to talk about anyway.

You inhaled sharply at the question, but not lou enough for Akashi to hear. You answered as smoothly as you could. "Oh... It's just, I'm a lite worried about... Business reasons. Especially since my dad wants me to take over the company. Even though I'm a girl... It's nothing you need to worry about."

Akashi stared at you for a bit.

Damn it! Did I say too much and make him suspicious? you thought.

He continued to analyze you and you tried to keep a natural face on. Then, he smiled.

"Ah, I see. I hope you get through it soon, [First Name]," he said.

"Th-Thank you, Sei," you answered.

You continued walking and Akashi laced his fingers through yours. Yes, you felt bad for lying to Akashi. He deserved to know what was going to happen to your relationship, but you just couldn't tell him. You tried to reassure yourself that you weren't really lying. You were worried about business reasons, but that didn't help at all.

You were a coward.


You and Akashi were laying on the grass in his lawn. It was the day before the wedding and you were restless. Akashi seemed to notice your continuous fidgeting and decided to inquire the reason behind it.

"[First Name]?"

You turned your head towards him, "Hm?"

"It seems to me that there might be something on your mind," he said.

"Oh, um...y-yes," you confessed reluctantly. Akashi needed to know. It was the day before the wedding, after all. You knew he would be angry at you-no, angry would be an understatement. But you still had to tell him despite that.

"Sei..." you said in a low voice. He immediately averted his attention to you, knowing by your tone of voice that something was definitely wrong.

"What is it, love?" he answered.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," your voice cracked.

"Wait, what is it? What's wrong?" Akashi asked.

"My dad arranged a marraige for me to marry the son of a different family," you explained. Akashi's eyes widened at what you said. "I-I'm going t-to get married t-to-tomorrow at 3 a-at my house." You broke into sobs as you said the last word. Akashi's eyes narrowed as you finished what you were going to say.

"I knew you were lying that day when I asked you why you were acting strange, but since you didn't tell me the truth, I didn't push you," Akashi told you. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he raised his voice a little.

You cast your eyes downwards to look at the grass under you, not being able to meet his eyes. You didn't answer his question.

"I was going to propose to you soon," Akashi sighed. "Why couldn't you trust me more?"

"I'm sorry, Sei..."

"Do you have any idea how it feels?! To have the person you love the most saying they're going to get married to someone else the next day?" Akashi shouted.

"Yes, I do know how it feels like! I'm the one getting married! And it's not like it was my choice to get married. I was forces into it," you argued back. "Do you know how it feels to be forced to marry someone if you love someone else so much?"

"You could've told me!"

"I didn't want to spend our last days until the wedding together in sadness."

He huffed and ran a hand through his red locks. "Okay, look here [First Name], we're done." He stood up abruptly and made his way to the entrance of the house, passing two maids that had seen what went down moments ago. You stood up where Akashi had left you on the grassy lawn and called out for him. "Akashi, wait-!"

He ignored you and disappeared into the doorway. You stood there, utterly heartbroken. Angry as you thought he would be, you never thought he would say the things he did.

This was not how you imagined you would end your relationship.


Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, Akashi thought as he pedaled down the street. Screw the world for making your house far away from his. He would usually have to take a limo to get to your house, so he would take you on dates closer to where you live, save for a few exceptions. Akashi would've taken a limo today, but his damn driver wasn't available, leaving him the quickest option of biking to your house. He wanted to apologize to you, wanted to be there to propose to you before you said your "I do's." It was a far-fetched idea, but there was still a chance. If only he hadn't lost his temper yesterday. Then maybe he could've proposed to you then.

He looked at his watch and cursed. It was highly unlikely that he would nake it in time. Especially since he set out past the time the ceremony was scheduled to begin. The thought only fueled him to go faster, though.

When your house came into view, he braked, slowing the bike down. After he deemed it slow enough, Akashi got off and ran the rest of the distance to your house, not looking back to see what had become of his bike.

He reached his destination, sweat glistening on his forehead, just in time to see you come out of the front door in your white wedding gown, arm and arm with another boy.

You spotted Akashi on the side, panting, and watching you. As you passed him he whispered "I'm sorry, [First Name]" and you nodded. You got into the parked vehicle with [Random Boy's Name]. Akashi watched as the vehicle grew smaller and smaller while everyone cheered and clapped.

I will continue to love you, [First Name], until the end of time.

I will continue to have these feelings in my heart, Seijūrō, until death comes near.

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