[19.] ♕ I Won't Leave || Kise Ryōta

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I Won't Leave (Kise Ryōta)

Trust is such a silly thing.

People take advantage of it, twist it, until you don't even know what it is anymore.

Could it be better to have no trust at all? No worries about backstabbing, no worries about betrayal.

Yes, it would be better to have no trust at all. You can trust yourself, but you have no idea what others think.

But can you really trust yourself?


You've known the model Kise Ryōta since you were young and you've always considered him as a friend. But for the past year you've been distancing yourself from him, unable to trust the people around you. How would you know if they were going to betray you?

Sure, Kise was basically like a childhood friend, but people change. He could already hate you and you wouldn't know it.

You built a wall around yourself that blocked other people out.

Kise noticed your change in personality right away. He would pester you nonstop about it and you would try to brush him away as best you could.

But he was persistent.

... Of course he was. He was Kise.

"[First Name]cchi. [First Name]cchi. [First Name]cchi," he repeated your name over and over again as you were walking down the hall. You gritted your teeth, trying to keep your temper in check at the bubbly blonde's actions.

When he paused, you asked, "Are you done?"

".....[First Name]cchi."

You turned around, saying, "Can you just go away?"

He blinked as you quickened your pace, leaving a pouting and deep in thought Kise.


"Kasamatsu-senpai, why does [First Name]cchi keep ignoring and avoiding me?" Kise asked his blue-haired companion beside him while exiting the school together.

"How would I know? I don't even know her that well!" he answered.

"Do you think she's mad at me?"

"Who wouldn't be," Kasamatsu mumbled, his words somehow being picked up by Kise.

"Kasamatsu-senpai, this is serious," Kise pouted.

He irked, "Aren't you supposed to be good with girls with all those fangirls around you? Why do you keep asking me?"

"Because, senpai. What should I do?"

Kasamatsu sighed, clearly fed up with the first-year's behavior. "Just go talk to her."

"But senpai, she'll just ignore me."

"Then go try again."


"That's the best advice I can give you! Go solve your own problems," Kasamatsu huffed before walking ahead of Kise.

"Wait, Kasamatsu-senpai-" Kise started to quicken his pace, trying to catch up with his basketball captain, but stopped in his tracks when Kasamatsu yelled something back at him.

"Follow me, and I'll hit you!"


With no other options Kise could think of, he decided to try to talk to you again. But he had to make sure you wouldn't be able to avoid or escape him like you did before. He was able to corner you in your classroom several days after his talk with Kasamatsu. You realized you had forgotten something back in your classroom, and unbeknownst to you, Kise followed you.

After realizing that Kise had blocked your only way out, you decided to just give it up. It's not like you were desperate enough to jump out a window to escape.

You sighed, "What do you want, Kise-kun?"

"First, I want you to stop calling me by my surname, and call me by my given name like you used to."

"... Fine." There was no harm in the decision and if you complied to his wishes, maybe he would stop following you everywhere.

"Second, why do you keep avoiding me, [First Name]cchi?" Kise asked.

He caught you off guard with the question. "You keep following me, why else would I avoid you?" you deadpanned.

"Answer seriously, [First Name]cchi."

You hesitated as Kise continued to stare at you.

"... Ki-Ryōta-kun, do you hate me?"

Kise blinked, "What?"

"I asked if you hate me."

"What? Of course I don't hate you, [First Name]cchi. Where did you get that thought from?"

"Why don't you hate me?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not pretty, I'm annoying, I'm not smart--"

"[First Name]cchi," Kise cut you off, but you kept going.

"--plus, you're a model. You're popular, practically famous. Why would you need someone like me--"

"[First Name]cchi!" Kise said your name, louder this time. You stopped talking and looked away.

"[First Name]cchi, why would you say those things about yourself?"

"Because they're true," you bluntly stated.

"They aren't true."

"Yes, they are. So many people betrayed me because of myself. I don't want to trust anyone ever again," you dropped to your knees, and got into a sitting position on the floor. Kise made his way over to you, crouching down.

"[First Name]cchi, look at me," he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him, your [Eye Color] eyes meeting his honey colored ones. "You aren't any of those things. You're pretty, you're not annoying, you're smart. You're worth more than you think, so please stop degrading yourself, [First Name]cchi.

"You say you don't want to trust anyone anymore, but you're always trusting people. When you cross the street, you're trusting the drivers not to pass a red light or crash into you. When you leave your pencil on your desk, you're trusting other people to not take it. You can trust me, [First Name]cchi. I won't betray you. I won't leave you, so stay with me."

Tears started to form in your eyes as you heard what he said. He had no idea how much those words meant to you. "Promise you won't betray me?"

"I promise."

Heck, you know you're being naïve right now, but you can't help it.

Kise pulled you in for a hug, and whispered something in your ear that made your eyes widen in surprise.

"I like-no. I love you, [First Name]cchi."

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