[5.] ♕ Stars || Midorima Shintarō

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(A/N: Oh my god, the picture is so good. I'll let all the Midorima fangirls out there fangirl)

Midorima invited you to come to basketball practice after school. Well, not really invited. He stuttered stuff like, "Basketball practice" or "Come basketball practice you." You found his Tsundereness kind of cute. Sometimes. So, now you found yourself sitting on the bleachers of the gym, watching the Shutoku team practice.

Back in middle school, you heard of the Generation of Miracles and watched them play a little bit. They did indeed exceed expectations. They were amazing! But you haven't ever really fully watched them play before. And Midorima's full court shot was just.... Unbelievable.

"GO SHIN-CHAN!" you yelled from the bleachers to your green haired Tsundere.

You saw him push up his glasses and sigh. You started laughing.


"You were amazing, Shintarō~" you teased Midorima, watching him blush at the compliment.

"Could you stop messing around, nanodayo?" he pushed up his glasses.

"Aw, stop being such a Tsun. I'm being serious. You're awesome."

Midorima didn't say anything. Although, he did look a little lost in thought. You decided not to say anything. The two of you continued your walk in silence until Midorima suddenly said something.

"Do you want to come over to my place later?" he asked, then realized what he said. He tried to cover it up, "I-I mean.."

You laughed, "Sure, Shintarō."


"I said sure," you repeated yourself. "What time?"

"Umm... Whenever you like," he said.

You arrived at your house, "Let's try 8, okay? I still have some more homework I need to do."

You ran to your front door and waved to Midorima as you entered the house. Leaving Midorima a nervous wreck.


You rang the doorbell to Midorima's place and waited for him. You didn't bother to dress up since you knew he didn't judge you anyways. You decided to put on a plain shirt and some jeans. The door opened and you found Midroima standing in the door frame.

"Oh, come in, nanodayo," he gestured.

You smiled at him as you walked past.


You and Midorima lay side by side in the fresh grass, staring up at the night sky. It was beautiful out. There was a slight breeze. Not too cold, not too hot. The sky was clear, so you could see all the stars.

Since you knew Midorima had this thing for horoscopes, you knew he would like it outside. The constellations were clearly visible in the sky. It was relaxing and peaceful.

"Hey, there's the Cancer constellation," you said, pointing.

"Yeah," he said.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Midorima staring at you.

You turned your head, "Hm? What's wrong, Shintarō?"

Before you could say anything else, his lips were on yours. Midorima has never been this straightforward before, so you were caught off guard. You kissed him back and he pulled away.

"Heh... Who knew you could be this straightforward?" you teased.

"Be quiet, (First name)," he blushed and looked back up at the sky.

You stayed out for a while more until you fell asleep with your hand in Midorima's.


Someone call life alert. Thomas the Tank Engine. I can't even anymore.

Yep. I honestly do not know where I was going with this.

Started Haikyuu and it's so good.

Well, hope you all enjoyed Midorima!

Anyway please comment down below a suggestion. If you have any requests, also put them down in the comments below.

Kuroko no Basket Oneshots {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt