[12.] ♕ Clouds || Kiyoshi Teppei

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Other KnB characters deserve love, too~ <<<<3333


The green grass tickled your arms and legs as you stared up at the white clouds drifting across the bright blue sky. You were grateful to be able to spend time with Kiyoshi alone on such a nice day like this. Your hands were intwined in the grass between your figures and no one said anything, just enjoyed your time together without needing to say any words.

Kiyoshi broke the silence first.

"I found one that looks like a cat," he said, using his other hand to point.

You looked at the cloud he was pointing at. "It looks more like a deer," you stated.

"It looks like a cat to me," he turned his head to smile at you.

You smiled back and said teasingly, "No, Teppei. It's a deer."

He chuckled, "Okay... It's a deer."

You turned your head to look at the sky again. After a few more minutes of silence, Kiyoshi said something again.

"I found a cloud a cloud that looks like you, (First name)," he said. "It's beautiful."

"..." your eyes widened and your cheeks flared up. You used your other hand to cover your face from embarrassment.

"Teppei, you know I don't know how to take compliments," you mumbled.

"Haha. Sorry, but I couldn't help it," he replied. "You're going to have to get used to it, though."

You groaned and he moved you hand away from your face, making you look at him. "See? Beautiful."

You averted your eyes. But maybe you shouldn't have because the next thing you knew, he pressed his lips against yours.

Your eyes widened in surprise before they closed and you kissed him back, both of you completely oblivious to the heart shaped cloud floating above.

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i haven't written a fluff in a while... This is acceptable though.

*cue the fangirls...maybe*

just a short fluff to mend your broken hearts after my uncalled for angst streak.


Kuroko no Basket Oneshots {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt