[9.] ♕ Counting Down || Nijimura Shuzo

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Requested by @nishimaki

You would admit that you were breaking. Breaking inside, crumbling, shattering. And it hurt, it hurt a lot. You had, for as long as you could remember, felt insecure about your standing in a social status. Your best friend was your flashlight in the dark, the trunk to your tree. He/she was the one that supported you and guided you. He/she was the one you could trust with all your worries and problems. Never in the world would you have thought that he/she would leave you. Never would  you have thought that he/she would backstab you until you were nothing but a corpse on the ground.

You two were always close, always together, helping each other. That is, until he/she started becoming distant, a little more arrogant, a little more ignorant. A little meaner. Maybe he/she got tired of you, like everyone else. Due to family problems, you had to be more optimistic, but to everyone else, you were annoying. (Best friend's name) understood, though.

You could still remember the day when he/she walked away from you, a light that could never be seen again. The words he/she said still stung every time you thought about it.

"Do you want me as a friend?"

"I want to like you, but...."

He/she wanted to like me... But he/she couldn't.

And you stood there, watching as he/she walked away, the world disappearing around you.

That was where the countdown started.


It wouldn't be incorrect to say that you were like a bomb, counting down the seconds until it explodes. In your case, counting down the seconds until you completely break down. There was one thing, or rather a person, trying to defuse the bomb within you. Ninjimura Shuzo was his name. He was the string you were hanging from, he was the one who kept you from breaking down.

It had become second nature already. Everyday was the same. The same fake smiles. The same fake laughs. The same fake "I'm fine"s. You had put on a mask to keep your actual feelings inside. What you didn't know, is that it would eat you from the inside out.

And so it did.

Until you were nothing inside.

That's where you were now.

Locked inside your room, laying in bed. The covers over your mouth to muffle your sobs and wails. Tears flowing out in endless streams, choking for breath. The countdown was terrible. Did it really end like this?


When you watched your best friend walk away, leaving you on your own. Shortly after, you had met Nijimura. You guessed that he was breaking, too. After all, his father was sick and your parents were constantly fighting.

You would often get picked on by other kids because you were considered a "nerd" amongst your peers. Sure, you liked to read, but that didn't make you a "nerd." If Nijimura was around, he would stand up for you because you couldn't do it yourself. It made you feel guilty that you were dragging him into it.

When your parents divorced and your world was crashing down at your feet. It seemed like things would not get better. You were left to live with your father as you watched your mom angrily slam her car door and drive off. All that came out of your mouth was strangled sounds as you watched her go from the window.

When you and Ninjimura had gotten into a fight. You had already forgotten how the fight had started. The words that came out of his mouth was like a slap to your face.

"I wish I never met you."

Oh, so that's how it was, huh? You watched as he stormed away.


I've seen the backsides of three people that I loved the most as they walked away from me....

One and zero hasn't occurred yet, but you were still crying.

"I wish I never met you."

You tried desperately to cover your ears, to not let the words in. But it was no use. Your sobs only got louder. Eventually, you tired out from crying and started to drift off to sleep when a sharp knock at your bedroom door startled you. Assuming that your face was still blotchy and red from crying, you opened the door a crack and peered out. Your dad stood before you, wide-eyed and his expression a mix of shock and concern.

"Dad..?" you raised your eyebrows.

"(F/n)! I just got a phone call from someone who claims to be Nijimura's friend. Kuroko.... Tetsuya... I think..?" he explains quickly.

Wait, Kuroko?

"He said that Nijimura is in the hospital."

What...? What... No. No. No. No. No. No. NO.

You threw on a jacket and slipped on your shoes. Wiping your face one last time, you rushed out the door. The hospital shouldn't be that far from your home. Once the hospital came into view, you ran as hard as you could, screaming in the process.

Why is it the ones that I love most always leave me...?

Apparently it was a car accident. A freaking car accident.

Things couldn't have ended on a worse note and there were so many things that you could've done differently. You shouldn't have been so rash, you shouldn't have been so demanding. Maybe if you had apologized sooner, things would be different.

News spread fast, and Nijimura was confirmed dead.

Yes, things could've ended differently. There are so many endings in the world, but why did it have to be this one? You had no more tears to shed. You were nothing more but a shell that was hollow on the inside.

I wonder what could've been different if you were here with me, Shuzo...

You smiled sadly, "Many things..."

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