[1.] ♕ Confession || Kise Ryōta

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You entered the school campus of Kaijio, looking down at you're map. It was your first day at the school. You had just moved from a different town. When you found your first class, you heard a big commotion in the other hallway. Having a few minutes to spare, you decided to check out what it was. You turned the corner and saw a big crowd of girls, and in the center, a blonde head was peeking out.

You pushed your way through the girls, earning glares from some of them. Which you ignored. You finally pushed through enough girls to see what was going on. You lifted your head and saw a blonde boy standing in the middle. You raised your eyebrow. Although, you had to admit, he looked handsome, you didn't see what the big deal was about all the girls.




You rolled your eyes and covered your ears. Kise. You heard of him in your old town, but you hadn't really seen him before. You didn't know him that well. Nor did you really pay any attention to him. Eventually, you had enough of all the fangirling and screaming and decided to leave to go to class. You reached your classroom as class started. Your teacher started calling names off for attendance and then class started.


It was a week since you started school at Kaijio and you were already tired of all the screaming of Kise's fangirls. At this rate, you would go deaf by the year's end. You didn't have a lot of friends at Kaijio. Although, you did seem to be distant and a lot of people noticed it. You were walking to your next class, which was the class before lunch, with a manga book in your hand. You weren't looking where you were going and bumped into someone, dropping your manga book.

"I'm sorry," both of you said. You didn't bother to look up.

Before you could pick up your book, the person you bumped into picked up the book and handed it to you.

"Than-" you looked up and found yourself looking at Kise. He smiled at you and you took the book. "Thanks." You smiled. You were surprised that his fangirls weren't there, but then noticed a few girls trailed behind him. You two stared at each other for an awkward moment before you said goodbye and continued walking to your next class. You didn't notice Kise as he watched you disappear around the corner with a small smile on his face.


You walked over to the tables with your lunch and saw that most of them were occupied. You saw there was a table that was completely empty and decided to sit there. You put your lunch down and sat down, eating in silence. Just then, you heard a bunch a screaming. Great, you thought. Now I might go deaf in half a year. This happened everyday.



You sighed. This was the definition of Kaijio's lunch. You didn't see Kise make his way over to your table and sit down. You looked up at him with a confused look as all his fangirls protested.

"I didn't get your name," he said with a smile on his face.

"(Last name, First name)...?" you answered, still confused.

"Oh, then, it's nice to meet you (First name)cchi!"

You nodded, wondering why he called you by your first name, "You too, Kise-kun."

You two ate in silence for a while before he spoke up, "Is there something wrong, (First name)cchi?"

"What do you mean?"

"You always seem kind of distant."

You sighed. This was a topic you didn't really want to talk about. You lost your parents a few years ago and went to live with your Aunt and Uncle. You knew they loved you, but it was kind of hard for them to pay attention to you since they had busy jobs. You had to fend for yourself a lot. You usually didn't tell anyone this, but even though you didn't know Kise that well, you could sense that he was trustworthy. You explained to him the whole "incident." He was listening the whole time.

After you finished, he looked down, "I'm sorry, (First name)cchi."

"Why are you apologizing? It isn't your fault."

"I know, but..."

You two didn't talk that much after that. You packed your lunch as the lunch period ended.

"Do you mind if I sit with you tomorrow, (First name)cchi?" Kise asked, surprising you.

"I don't mind, why?"

"Because I like you, (First name)cchi."


Ohhhhh, there's the fluff. *throws stuffing into the air* Moving on, this was really fun to write (and a little less depressing). I got nothing else. Hope y'all enjoyed this!

Kuroko no Basket Oneshots {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt