[18.] ♕ Smile || Izuki Shun

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Smile (Izuki Shun)

You didn't smile that much. You didn't know why, though. It was probably because you didn't find a lot of things amusing. You still showed way more emotion than a certain baby blue haired boy (ahem), though.

Izuki, your boyfriend, challenged himself to make you smile or laugh regularly and more often. He had already made you laugh plenty of times because of his 'awesome' puns.

Today was a special day, though.

"[First Name]!" you heard voice call from behind you.

You turned to the voice to see Izuki running up to you, wearing a fedora. You raised an eyebrow at the hat, but decided not to ask. A proper answer probably wouldn't be given to you anyway. Izuki would tell you about it when he felt like it.

"Hey, [First Name]!" he greeted.

"Hi, Shun."

You started walking again and he walked beside you. There was a moment of silence before Izuki spoke up. "I thought of a pun about fish yesterday."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Do you want to hear it?"

You shrugged, "Sure, what is it."

"If the fish is too hot, stop, drop, and mackerel."

Izuki waited for your reaction, but you just stared at him before looking forward again. Damn, Izuki thought, that failed. The only other chance he would get would be when you walk home together. You wouldn't be at his basketball practice because you had to go to [Club Activity].

He couldn't afford to mess up.


"Izuki, why did you bring a fedora?" Hyūga shook his head while the entire Seirin basketball team, except for Riko and him, complimented Izuki on his hat.

"Oh, this thing, here?" Izuki took the fedora off his head.

"What else would I be talking about?" Hyūga deadpanned.

Kiyoshi thought for a moment before he snapped his fingers. "Now that I think of it, isn't it [Last Name]'s and your one year anniversary?"

Everyone got the hint of what Izuki was going to do when Kiyoshi said that.

"How did you remember that?" asked Koganei.

"Well, when I woke up this morning, I looked ar my calendar, and the date sort of struck something in the back of my mind-" Kiyoshi explained, but was cut off by Hyūga. "Okay, let's stop it there, because if you keep going, you're probably going to tell us how your entire day went," he said.

"Awh, you don't need to be rude about it, Hyūga," Kiyoshi said.

"Okay, no more chatting. Get practicing, all of you!" Riko cut in.

"Yes, ma'am," the team replied in unison and ran off to start practicing. Izuki looked at the fedora in his hands and set it down. While jogging over to the rest of the team, he thought, I really do hope I get her to laugh on our anniversary.

In the middle of practice, Izuki suddenly dropped that ball, drawing the attention of the players to him. "Is there something wrong, Izuki-kun?" Riko asked.

His head was slightly tilted upward in thought and he raised a finger. "Fedorable..." he said.

"Eh?" Hyūga's eye twitched.

There was a moment of silence before Kagami snickered. "You stopped practice just to say that...?" he asked, trying to hold in his laugh. Izuki felt a tug on his shirt from behind and turned to see Kuroko trembling from trying not to laugh.

Kuroko no Basket Oneshots {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt