[6.] ♕ Betrayal || Aomine Daiki

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There is no one I can trust.

You slammed your clenched fist against the wall. The stinging pain from the impact not bothering you at all.

I didn't ditch you, you ditched me.

You grit your teeth and leaned against the wall. The back of your head touching the cool plaster.

"I love you, (First name), forever."

Lies. All lies. When can someone tell you the truth for once?


You slid down the wall and pulled your knees up to your chest with your forehead resting on them. Remembering all that had happened:


"I'll see you after school, Aomine?" you asked, smiling at him. You knew he didn't have basketball practice today.

"Yeah," he answered, seeming a little dazed.

"Is everything okay?"

He snapped, "Huh? Oh, yeah,"

He swung his bag over his shoulder, and without another word, walked off into the school.

Walked away, just like that!

You were sure that you did something wrong, but you didn't know what. You shrugged it off. If he didn't tell you, then it wasn't a big deal.

You met up with your best friend and filled (Best friend's name) in on what happened. They seemed to think the same too.

For the whole school day, Aomine seemed to be out of it. You were confused. He doesn't act like this often.

Once the end of the day came, you waited outside the school for Aomine, but he never came. Disappointed, you walked off by yourself. You must have don't something wrong for him to be ignoring you. Replaying the last few days in your head, you walked back home.


That evening before dinner, you decided to take a walk in the park to clear your head. On the way there, there was a cute little bakery. While you passed it, a blue haired boy in there caught your eye.

You turned your head to get a better look and gasped when you saw who it was.


And he was with another girl.

Another girl.


Did he need someone more popular?


Was he not satisfied with you?

He was laughing. Smiling. Seemed to be enjoying himself.

With another girl....?

You saw him pull the girl's face closer to his and pressed his lips onto hers.

Passionately, it seemed.

But with another girl.


Sobs racked your body over and over as you held your chest.


You gasped for breath.


You crumpled onto the floor.



But in your heart, you knew that there was no help.


Sorry, that was two cheating scenarios in a row.

But I couldn't help myself.

Hope you all enjoyed.

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