Chapter 2: Visit

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Chapter 2: Visit


Mr. J, look at my answer. I know I got it right. Nate says with confindence

  I looked at it and he wrote down 56 which was the right answer. All his work was correct and I said " Bravo Nate. You can sit down now."

          What is my reward. Nate says

 You don't need to serve my detention I  gave you yesterday. I said

  Sweet. Thanks Mr. J. He says sitting

          I looked down on the desk and I hear the door open. Must be a student returning from the restroom or something so I didn't dare to look up.  All of the sudden a hear a whistle not just the whistle the one when you see a hit girl. A smell hit my nose the smell I loved.  With that I looked up and saw............ 

 Carter's POV

   In walked inn S-s-s-scarlet. My body froze. My mouth fell to the floor. I couldn't believe it. She was stadning right here in my room. My room. Wait was this a joke? Can I be dreaming or something? I must be dreaming but then yet again her smile was addicting like if she was in the same room as me.

     Ummm..... excuse Mr. Johnson I am the new teacher next door and I just wanted to stop by and say hi before I leave since last period is my break period. She says in a sweet hot voice

    I dropped the math book and now the whole class is looking at me now. Some guys still checking out Scarlet. All the girls were looking back at Scarlet and me seeing if there was anything between. What do I say? She doesn't even remember me? That is sad.

   She hasn't seen me in seven years. I could feel the sweating come back to me like I did when I was a teenager. O god. This is so embarssing and I sound like a girl right now. What do I do?

        Hi.... S-s-s-scarlet. Remember me. I said stuttering

      She looked at me for a second and studing me for while  then smiled and said " Carter Johnston. I remember now. Nice to see you again."

   What gave it away. I said

  Your stutttering and sweating. You did that alot when you were around me. She says shaking my hand. As our hands touch another eletric shot went through my whole body. Her warm hands on mine felt so good nice. I never wanted to let go.

     Your name is Carter. James shouts

   Yes, it is. This stays between us. I said looking at the class

       So you two know each other? Nate asked

  High School then I move at the end of year. I haven't seen him in like seven years and something months. She says loking at Nate

    Seven years four months three days. I asnwered

                 The whole class looked at me. Everyone broke into conversation and I said " Okay free time classs talk all you like but keep it to a minum." but everyone was too busy talking to even listen to me. See this is the trouble maing class. I wander was I ever like this to my teahcers..... Hell yah I was.

   Your a math teacher? She asked looking at the boards

   Yes. I am. Is it a shocker to you? I asked

      She nodds her head and says " Yes I thought of you as an egineer or something with cars. Nothing sexist toward you. "

  Your next door? I asked

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