How you meet (Part 1)

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Tony Stark (Iron Man):

I was walking the streets of New York listening to (your favorite song). I was of course in my own world. I didn't even notice a huge portal open in the sky and the aliens that came out. All of the sudden, people started running trying to find somewhere safe to go. I took out my earbuds curious of why people were running and looked up to notice aliens flying everywhere, attacking people, and destroying the city. I got knocked down by a group of people running away from one of the aliens. I get up quickly and start running, hoping to find safety. Next thing I know, I felt something grab my ankle and pull me in the air. I screamed at the top of my lungs and saw one of the aliens had grabbed me. Fear was flooding over my body, I started shaking. I knew this was where I would die.

The alien threw me up in the air only for me to be caught by another alien. They were throwing me back and forth, all I could do was scream. Tears started flooding from my eyes, I started thinking about my family. I would never see my parents again, or my (your siblings). I wouldn't even get to say goodbye.

I see a green monster jump and attack both of the aliens, by grabbing their necks as he took them to the ground. Now I was plummeting to the ground. I knew that nobody would save me, I mean, they had to fight off the aliens, why would they save one person? I closed my eyes accepting my fate, waiting to feel the impact with the ground. It didn't come. Instead I landed in cold metal arms. I opened my eyes and saw the one and only Iron Man, also known as Tony Stark. I still had fear in my eyes. He lifted up his mask as he was flying me to safety.

"Hey, I've got you. You're safe now." He said. Tears still fell from my eyes, still in shock

"T-thank y-you." I said through sobs.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"(Y/N)." I told him as he set me on the ground.

"Well, (Y/N), I'll see you 'round." He said and he flew off to fight more aliens. I put my hand in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. I took it out and unfolded it.

(Y/N), I would like to get to know you. Call me, and maybe we could set something up. -Tony

I don't know how he does it, but he does. I smiled and put the paper back in my pocket and jogged over to the police officers.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

I was walking to work listening to my music and looking at the list of thinks my boss wanted me to do today, when I got a call from my boss. I am Nick Fury's personal assistant. I turned off my music and answered my phone.

"Yes Director Fury?" I answered.

"I have a very special job for you today." He replied.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"I'll tell you when you get here." He told me.

"I'm almost there sir." I told him.

"Good. See you soon, Ms. (Y/L/N)." He said and he hung up.

I started to walk faster to SHIELD headquarters because I was a couple blocks away. I wonder what this 'special job' is. I was almost there when somebody came running out and knocked me on the ground. I mean it wasn't hard because I am pretty thin, but still. I dropped my phone and papers and fell on my butt. I looked around trying to find whoever knocked me down, when I noticed a very tall and muscular blonde guy standing in the middle of the street looking up at all the lights in awe. Cars were honking and trying to go around him and people were yelling at him. I got up as fast as I could without falling and ran over to where he was.

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