What your friends think of him

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Tony Stark

They were a bit hesitant at first because of his reputation with women in the past, but once they saw how he was with you, they knew that he loved you with all his heart and they loved him.

Steve Rogers

They loved him from the start. He is the perfect gentleman. They love the way he treats you, because you have had bad experiences in the past with men. It was easy for them to see how much Steve loves you. They love you guys together.

Bruce Banner

A few of them were a little hesitant because of the Hulk, but they came around pretty soon. Once they saw the way he looked at you, and the way he treated you, they loved you him instantly.

Bucky Barnes

All of them but one absolutely love him. The one that doesn't like him, is a guy friend that actually has a huge crush on you. Your other friends love him because he treats you right and his charm.

Clint Barton

They all love him. They love his sense of humor and they can easily tell how much he loves you. He feels comfortable with them now and he will go to them to ask things about you, like what gifts are good to get.

Thor Odinson

You actually lost a friend when you started dating Thor. That was because she got extremely jealous and yelled at you because "she likes him first" as she likes to say. Your other friends love him to death, they love how he treats you like a princess and queen. They help him out with things sometimes.

Loki Laufeyson

Most of your friends still haven't come around. A lot of them were hurt in the Battle of New York and some of them lost loved ones. A few of them have come around because they see that he has changed and he does regret his actions in the past. The ones that do like him, love the way he treats you like a queen, and they can tell how much he loves you.

Pietro Maximoff

Some of your friends don't like him because they think he's too childish and that he will hurt you. Most of them though, love him. They love his childishness, because it matches yours. He treats you like a princess and they see that easily as well as his love for you.

Matt Murdock

After hearing that he hasn't been in many long term relationships, most of your friends were weary of him. They didn't want you to get hurt. Once they saw that he loves you and he wasn't going to let you go any time soon, they came around and they love him.

Wade Wilson

Only a few of your friends like him. They love his sense of humor and they love to spend time with you guys. They see the way he treats you and they are able to clearly see that he loves you. The friends that don't like him, don't approve of Deadpool and what he does. You ignore them and stopped talking to them.

Peter Quill

You lost most of your friends when Ronan attacked Xandar. You only have a couple left besides Groot and the other guardians of the Galaxy. The couple friends you have left love him. They are thankful to him because he saved their homes and families.

Yay! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated. You guys are awesome! 😊

~Haylie ❤️

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