Peter Parker Catch Up pt. 2

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Making Up

After the fight with Peter, I was miserable. I knew that he was hiding something from me. It hurt knowing that he thought he couldn't trust me. I avoided him at school at all costs. He tried to talk to me everyday. It hurt to ignore him, but I was still hurt by what he said to me. It has been three weeks of avoiding Peter so far, which is a lot harder than one would think. Especially since we have all of our classes together.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the final bell ringing. I quickly gathered my things and sped walked out of the classroom before Peter could catch me. Unfortunately for me, Peter caught up to me easily. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"(Y/N), please forgive me. I was a jerk. I just can't tell you the reason I've been gone a lot," he told me.

"You want me to trust you, but you can't trust me?" I asked hurt visible on my face.

"I can't tell you, it will put you in danger and I can't do that to you. I love you too much," he choked out. I shook my wrist from his grip.

"I'm sorry Peter, I can't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust me. I love you Peter," I said as the tears started to fall from my eyes. I turned around and sped walked out of the school and started my walk home.

Tears started to fall from my eyes quicker, and they built up just as quickly so it was beginning to get difficult to see. I stopped in front of a busy cafe and sat at one of the tables and began to cry. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I looked up to see, an old family friend, Dr. Conners standing above me.

"Dr. Conners," I acknowledged while wiping my tears.

"(Y/N), come with me. Something happened to your parents," he told me.

"Really? What happened?" I asked standing up immediately.

"They were in a car accident. Come on, I'll take you to them," he offered.

"Ok," I said following him to his car. Once inside his car, I felt a cloth go over my face and I started to panic, but soon I blacked out.

*Time skip brought to you by Deadpool and Spiderman dancing to Uptown Funk*

I woke up and looked at my surroundings. I was tied to the needle of a skyscraper. When I was looking around, I noticed a lizard creature below me, my eyes widened.

"Nice to see that you have woken up (Y/N)," the cold voice said.

"Dr. Conners?" I asked confused.

"Yes, it is me (Y/N). I lied to you about your parents being in an accident, I just need you as bait," he informed me.

"Bait for what?" I asked starting to get scared.

My question was answered soon enough when webs were shot at Dr. Conners. I gasped when I saw Spiderman land on the roof ready to fight.

"Let her go," Spiderman said. His voice sounded really familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"You know I am not going to do that without getting what I want," Dr. Conners replied coldly.

"Let her go. Now," Spiderman said getting angrier.

"Hmmm, let me think. No," Dr. Conners said before lunging at Spiderman.

Spiderman dodged his attack and shoots him with his webs. He manages to tie down Dr. Conners, but not for long. Spiderman kept shooting webs at Dr. Conners but wasn't able to pin him down. Any time that Spiderman tried to get close to me, Dr. Conners would hit him back and prevent him from getting to me. Dr. Conners got really close to the tower needle, and as he was fighting Spiderman his tail hit the tower needle with enough force to slice through it. It started to tip over, I could see the people and cars below. Tipping further and further over the edge until it started plummeting to the ground. I screamed as I started to get closer to the ground.

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