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Tony Stark:

He likes calling you Babe or Baby Girl. He likes to keep it simple but sweet. He thinks you are a babe and thinks you should know. He also wants people to know that you're his girl.

You like to call him Babe or Iron boyfriend. You usually call him babe to keep it simple, but when you're in a goofy mood you'll call him iron boyfriend.

Steve Rogers:

He calls you Darling. He loves calling you this because he always heard people use this growing up. He is an old fashioned guy so this fits him.

You call him Stevie or Babe. You like to keep it simple. You'll usually call him babe but sometimes when you're extra needy for cuddles you'll whine and call him Stevie. When you were in a joking mood, you'll call him Spanlges or Capsicle. He doesn't like it when Tony calls him that, but for some reason he doesn't get mad when you call him those. He gives you a 'did you really just call me that' look but jumps on you and kisses you after.

Bruce Banner:

He likes to call you Sweetheart. He thinks you are the sweetest thing ever so the nickname only fits. He also calls you that because you can calm down the Hulk quicker than anyone else.

You like to call him Baby. You keep it simple. He loves it when you call him this. When you are in a joking mood you will call him Greenie. He acts like he doesn't like it, but he thinks it's funny and cute.

Bucky Barnes:

He calls you Doll. He loves calling you this because you are so beautiful you remind him of a doll. It also reminds him of when he grew up.

You like to call him Buck or Star. You usually call him Buck, but you call him Star sometimes because of the star on his metal arm. He didn't like Star at first, but you insisted on calling him this because you were showing him that you love every part of him no matter what.

Clint Barton:

He calls you Little Hawk. He loves teaching you bow and arrow. You were quick at picking up the basics and are almost as good as him. He loves teaching you new techniques and you guys cuddle in his nest together a lot.

You call him Big Hawk or Hawkey. You mostly call him Big Hawk. You only call him Hawkey to annoy him and when you beg him to come cuddle with you. It always gets him to come cuddle with you though.

Thor Odinson:

He calls you My Lady. He loves calling you this, it's formal and it lets other guys know that you are his girlfriend. He is very protective over you, it's really cute though and makes you happy.

You call him Poptart. You call him this because you guys met when in a supermarket when he was upset they had no poptarts left. He thinks it's cute and loved it when you call him this.

Loki Laufeyson:

He calls you My Queen. He calls you this because he believes you deserve to be treated like a queen so he will do anything to keep you happy.

You call him My King. You call him this because you are his queen so he is your king. You treat him like a king and it makes him happy. When you are goofing around or are simply trying to get his attention, you call him Reindeer King. It always gets his attention.

Pietro Maximoff

He calls you Princess or Beautiful. He calls you beautiful more often. He thinks that you are the most beautiful girl in the world and you need to know. He treats you like a princess so he's always trying to make you laugh and keep you happy.

You call him Babe or Speedy. You like to keep it simple so you will usually just call him babe. You call him speedy to mess with him. He will usually speed by and tackle you with kisses and hugs when you call him speedy.
Hope you like this chapter! I will post another one shot tonight, I just need to finish my homework first, because I need to write it. So it'll be up tonight, don't worry!

~Haylie ❤️

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