First Kiss

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Tony Stark

Tony was throwing another one of his famous parties. There were hundreds of people in the tower. Tony and I hadn't gone public with our relationship yet. I was sitting with the other Avengers on the couch talking when I noticed a bunch of girls surrounding Tony. He looked a little irritated. My eyes met his and he smiled at me.

He pushed off the girls that were flirting with him and started walking towards the where I was sitting. Once he got to the couch, he stuck his hand out for me to take. I took hold of his hand and stood up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his lips onto mine. His tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I allowed. We pulled apart when we needed air.

"What was that for?" I asked smiling at him.

"It's time that the world knows that you're my girlfriend." He smirked at me.

"What a way to go public." I giggled.

"Well, I am Tony Stark." He smiled causing me to giggle again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his chest. He pulled me closer and we swayed to the beat of the music.

Steve Rogers

We were finishing up our food on our third date. Steve took me out to a nice restaurant. The waitress was flirting with him the entire time, making me angry and insecure. Steve couldn't tell that she was flirting which made her move into touching his arms and shoulders. I had enough.

"HEY! Get your hands off my boyfriend! I would also like to speak to a manager because your service skills are awful." I raised my voice so everybody around me could hear me.
Steve looked at me in surprise but smiled a 'thank you.' The waitress just scoffed at me and rolled her eyes as she walked away.

After talking to the manager we left immediately. Steve grabbed my hand while we were walking to the car. Wen we got to the car, he stopped and put his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked him confused.

"This." He said before leaning in and pressing his lips onto mine. I kissed back immediately. We pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes smiling.

Bruce Banner

I was sitting with Bruce in his lab going through paper work for my brother and helping Bruce when he needed it. Every once in a while, I looked up from the paper work and watched Bruce for a little bit. He looked so cute when he was concentrating on his science.

"Danget!" Bruce yelled throwing his papers on the table.

"Bruce babe, what's wrong?" I asked walking over to him.

"I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Do you mind helping babe?" He asked looking into my (E/C) eyes.

"Of course I don't mind helping you." I smiled at him while grabbing the paper and looking at what was on it.

"Ok, the equation is almost right, it's just wrong here." I said pointing to the mistake. He looked at it and squinted his eyes thinking about what I said.

"That's right! Thanks babe." He said before pressing his lips against mine softly. I was shocked at first but before he could pull away, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. We pulled apart after the sweet kiss.

"Thanks babe." He said smiling at me before going back to the paper and fixing the equation.

Bucky Barnes

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