First Fight

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Tony Stark:

Tony and I have been dating for a few months now. He's been a little distant lately, he is always in his labs working on his suits. I kept thinking that he's done with me, he doesn't feel the same anymore. What would I expect? He's Tony Stark, and I'm just me. I walked to his lab and saw him bent over a suit trying to fix it.

"Hey babe." I said hoping to get his attention, it didn't work. I frowned but thought I would try again.

"Babe!" I said a little louder. He sighed and turned around looking at me angrily.

"What?" He snapped.

"I just wanted to know when you'd be done. We haven't spent much time together for a couple weeks. I miss you." I said.

"Everything's about you isn't it?" He said. I can't believe he just said that to me.

"How could you think that?!" I raised my voice.

"Ever since I saved you, you're always talking about yourself, what you want. You want to spend time with me, you want this, you want that. I just want some time to spend with my suits!" He yelled causing me to flinch.

"You know you didn't have to save me." I said.

"Maybe I shouldn't have." He said before turning back to his suit. Did he really just say that? I can't believe he would say that. Tears started pouring out my eyes.

"Fine, if you feel that way I'll just leave! I knew you were like every other guy! You're just a huge jerk and we are done!" I screamed at him before turning around grabbing a hammer and hitting one of his suits and making a huge dent in it. I stomped out of the lab and grabbed anything of mine that I had here and I walked to the garage and got in my car.

Steve Rogers:

Steve and I have been dating for about five months now, and we stay at other's places. His place being the Avengers tower. I was staying at the Avengers tower this time. Steve has been taking a lot of missions lately, I haven't gotten to sown much time with him. Whenever he goes on a mission I always get so worried, I don't want him to get hurt. I was waiting for him to come home from yet another mission he didn't tell me about. I was getting really fed up with Steve not telling me about the missions he was going on. I know I work at SHIELD, but I am so busy with helping Director Fury, I don't have time to find out what missions he is going on. I am also undergoing training to become an official SHIELD agent so maybe I'll get to spend more time with Steve.

I heard the elevator doors open and I smiled and ran to the living room. I saw Steve walk out and I went over to him.

"Babe! I've missed you so much!" I said going to hug him but he turned away.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked confused and concerned.

"Why didn't you tell me you were training to be a SHIELD agent?!" He said raising his voice.

"I would've told you right when I started training, but you're always gone on missions! Missions that you don't tell me about!" I retaliated.

"I don't have to tell you everything!" He yelled so loud it caused me to flinch.

"I thought we told each other everything." I choked out.

"I guess you were wrong." He said and walked away from me. I just stood there. I couldn't believe what just happened.

Bruce Banner:

Bruce had been in the lab all day doing who knows what. I was running errands for my brother. As I was walking through the tower trying to find where my idiotic older brother was hiding from me I passed the lab and decided I should try and talk to Bruce. The lab doors open and I walk towards Bruce. He dropped a beaker and said a string of curse words.

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