When you're sick

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Tony Stark

When you're sick, Tony does a lot to help you. He stays his distance thought because he doesn't want to get sick. He has a special protocol for JARVIS when you're sick. JARVIS will tell him when you need something and he will bring it but go back into his lab after. He is usually trying to develop a cure for whatever you have. You usually just get colds and stuff, one time you got Bronchitis bad and Tony cuddled with you until you were better.

Steve Rogers

Steve will do anything to make you feel better. He can't really get sick because of the serum, so he will cuddle with you all day and give you kisses all over your face to make you feel better. He will make you soup and bring you crackers and ginger ale when you feel sick to your stomach. He buys and rents your favorite movies to watch together while cuddling. He is literally the perfect boyfriend.

Bruce Banner

Since he is a doctor, he knows how to treat all sicknesses. He will give you antibiotics when you need them and any other medications to help you get better. He will also give you vaccinations to prevent you from getting major sicknesses. He doesn't like it when you're sick but he will help you feel better by making you soup.

Bucky Barnes

He is like Steve. He will cuddle with you all day only getting up to make you soup or get you crackers and ginger ale. He kisses you, knowing that it will make you feel better. When he does stop cuddling, he will usually go to the store and buy your favorite candy and he will buy more soup. One time he even came back with a small teddy bear, flowers, and a get well soon balloon.

Clint Barton

He stays away from you when you're sick. He does not want to get sick. He will usually sit in the vents and put the things you need on his arrows and shoot them down to you. He will stay in the vents and watch you making sure you're ok and not getting worse. He will also write you little notes and shoot them down to you.

Thor Odinson

Since he doesn't get sick, he doesn't know what to do. So you'll usually tell him some things or he will go to Bruce for help. Once he knows how to make you feel better, he will do everything he can to make you feel better. He will lay on the couch and you'll lay on top of him because he is huge, he will wrap his arms around you and kiss the top of your head and stroke your hair until you fall asleep.

Loki Laufeyson

He doesn't like it when you're sick. He usually uses his magic to cure you. When his magic doesn't work, because sometimes it doesn't on the more serious sicknesses, he will do anything he can to make you feel better. He treats you like a queen because you are his queen.

Pietro Maximoff

You are his princess so he will do anything to make you feel better. He treats you like a princess, bringing you anything and everything you need. He will speed to the store to buy you soup when you need it. He will also cuddle with you when you need it.

Matt Murdock

When you are sick, he caters to you. It's his way of repaying what you do for him. You take care of him if he gets hurt, also when he is sick. He wants to do the same for you. He will make you soup and cuddle with you. He usually avoids kissing you because he doesn't want to get sick. He will give you forehead kisses though, they always make you feel better.
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~Haylie ❤️

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