Your Song

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ERMEGERD 3k reads! This is incredible! Thanks to everyone. With a little time to kill with snow days, I've been working on some new stuff, including my new story, a Marvel Universe fic which is coming soon!

Your couples songs for Seb, Chris and some of their characters :)

Sebastian- "Ready to Go" by Panic! at the Disco
Your relationship is exciting and adventurous, and the two of you can't wait to see where it goes next!

Jefferson- "Strange and Beautiful" by Aqualung
While your relationship is less than conventional, he loves your individuality and when he heard this song, he knew it described you perfectly, strange and beautiful.

Chris Beck- "Starlight" by Muse
Your relationship is playful and mysterious, and this song reminds you two of how you met, and how you grew closer on the Aries 3 mission.

Bucky/TWS- "I Found" by Amber Run
Your relationship started out as one of Bucky's missions. He was supposed to kill you, but you both fell in love, and when Bucky heard this song, he knew he had to leave Hydra because he loved you. You now share the song as a token of your love.

Chris- "Waiting For A Girl Like You" by Mick Jones
Being the classic rocker that he is, Chris asked you out by singing this song, and it's been your song ever since.

Steve- "Moondance" by Van Morrison
Steve misses the music from his time, so you showed him music from the 40's up until today. When he heard this song, he immediately loved it, and asked you to dance with him. This song connects your passion for the classics and his nostalgia for the old days.

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant