The Hunt

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A/N: this imagine is completely unrelated to my extended OUAT series Mansion in the Woods. I just wanted to write a cute Easter story and Jefferson fit that requirement best, in my opinion.
Happy Easter, my Lovelies :)     (Sorry it's so late)


    "Jefferson, I can't see! Can I take this blindfold off now?!" You exclaim. You hear Grace trip over a branch with a thud, and Jefferson quickly helps her up while apologizing profusely.
    "Please?! I don't want to trip like Grace. Sorry, Sweetheart," you complain. You feel the cloth loosening over your eyes, and you have to squint in the bright light now reaching your irises. Grace is also squinting, but smiling widely.
    "We can go now, Papa?" She asks excitedly. He nods enthusiastically, and Grace and you take off deeper into the forest, searching for your Easter treats under logs and in tree hollows. You hear her squeal in delight as she finds her first hidden object. As you pass a particularly tall tree, a flash of light catches your eye, and you look up to see your first find nestled in the branches above your head. You quickly climb up onto the limb holding the prize and grab it away from the tree's clutches. What a beautiful pocket watch! This must have cost him a fortune... You climb down and continue searching for Jefferson's hidden gifts, all the while clinging tightly to the watch in your pocket.
"Grace, how many have you found?" You call out. Every year, Jefferson hides twelve items in the woods for his girls to find on Easter morning.
"Seven! How many have you found?" She calls back.
"Five! Time to head back now!" You shout, and start moving back toward the direction of the cottage and your husband.
"So, my dears, what did you find out there?" Jefferson asks excitedly.
"Papa, I found a stuffed rabbit, a few paper roses, playing cards, and a teacup!" Grace shows him all of her treasures.
"Very nice, Sweetheart. And what did you find, (Y/N)? Anything good?" He turns to you.
"Some chess pieces, a small looking glass, and a pocket watch," you show him, then quietly whisper to him, "thank you, Jefferson. I know how much this must have cost. I love you." He just smiles and kisses you gently.
"Happy Easter, my love."

Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant