Chapter two

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The day drug on until seventh hour finally came around. I walk to seventh hour faster than usual and sat in my normal seat. I knew she might not be in the class as fast as I was, but I hope she'll get here soon. Each second tat tics by make me more nervous, what if she doesn't show up? When the tardy bell rings my heart drops. I look at the door, then I look around. There was no sign of her? I start paying attention to the math test when suddenly the door slams shut, I glance over to see Aaliyah, her face was as red as a strawberry. All eyes were on her. She ducked her head down and slowly walks to her desk. I tap on her shoulder. She turns around. "Hi," I mouth slowly to her. She smiles at me.

"Hi, how are you?" She asks, her cheeks turn pink.

"I'm good, you?" I mouth slowly. She smiles and nods her head. She turns to face the front. I smile at myself. I notice that the teacher isn't in the front, I slowly look around. No one is in here, except for Aaliyah and I . She turns to me.

"Where is everyone?" she asks out loud. I shrug my shoulders. How did I miss everyone exit? I look at the clock. There are still 30 minutes until we leave for spring break. Did they let school out early and I didn't hear the announcement? I feel a tap on m shoulder. "Are you okay?" Aaliyah asks cocking her head to the right side.

"Yeah, sorry I was thinking," I say slowly smiling at her. Her cheeks flush pink again and she giggles. I look at her as she continues to laugh. She looks adorable when she laughs! She scrunches her nose and shuts her eyes.

"Can I sing for you?" She asks after her laughing fit.

"Yes you can," I say nodding my head. She gets excited and starts to think. A face of realization comes on her face and she smiles. She starts tapping on her desk rhythmically and closes her eyes. I close my eyes after she shuts hers.

"For all the times that you rain on my parade

And all the clubs you get in using my name

You think you broke my heart, oh, girl for goodness' sake

You think I'm crying on my own. Well, I ain't

And I didn't wanna write a song

'Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care. I don't,

But you still hit my phone up

And, baby, I be movin' on

And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back,

Maybe you should know that

My mama don't like you

she likes everyone,

and I never liked to admit that I was wrong," she stops singing and I open my eyes to look at her.

"Aw, Aaliyah why did you stop? That sounded beautiful," I say smiling at her. She gives me a shy smile.

"I don't know," she shrugs "I just did," she finishes. I smile at her.

"So what are your plans for prom?" I ask her. She laughs and shrugs.

"I don't know, it's in two weeks and I still haven't even gotten asked yet," she says sadly.

"Well I'm really sorry, that's too bad," I say awkwardly. We sit in and awkward silence for a while. "Do you have a phone?" I ask breaking the silence. She nods.

"Yeah I do, did you want my number?" She asks hopefully. her eyes light up.

"Actually, yes please," I say. She looks surprised and quickly hands me her Samsung galaxy s6 phone. I notice that is has a lot of random bands on the back. I click on the phone icon, and I dial my number in it and save it to her phone. She smiles as she takes it back from me. I smile back.

"You can text me anytime you want to, or need to," I say smiling at her. She nods and puts her phone into her backpack.

"Okay, I defiantly will," she says smiling at me and looking down at her feet.

"Okay, good," I say looking to the right side. Right when I look at the clock the bell for everyone to leave rings. I look back to her and smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she says quietly standing up and slinging her purple backpack over her left shoulder and shyly smiles.

"Okay, bye Aaliyah," I say smiling back at her. She walks past me. I watch her leave. I smirk before I pick up my own backpack and leave.

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