Chapter 15

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As we walk back into the school I turn to her. "Thanks for taking care of me," I thank her, giving her a fake smile. She nods and pulls me into a hug. I pat her back. Man I don't feel comfortable hugging her, I wish this was Aaliyah hugging my. She lets go.

"That was like the best first date ever!" she says kissing my cheek and skipping away. Wait that wasn't a date! I turn around to see a very red faced Aaliyah. She looks upset.

"What's up Aaliyah?" I ask reaching for her. She steps back and shakes her head.

"What is wrong with you?" she asks, with tears in her eyes.

"Aaliyah, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You went on a date with Olivia!" she says shaking her head. I laugh humorlessly. I automatically want to argue with her, but an idea pops into my head.

"Why do you care if I went on a date?" I ask. She glares at me, hurt prominent in her eyes. "I mean the date never would have happened if you didn't leave," I say. Truth be told, I didn't really eat anything at Olivia"s house. I don't know how, but it lessened my non-existent hunger.

"Holland, Why are you being like this?" she asks. I give her a half hearted laugh, Why am I being like this? She's not really going to blame this on me is she? She looks down at her feet. Huh. I tilt her head back up so that she can see that I'm going to talk to her.

"Aaliyah, we didn't go on a date. While I was running after you in the hall I ran into an open locker, which was hers. She took me to the nurses office and waited for me. She said she came to get you, but you didn't want to come..." I say, feeling the same pain in my great when Olivia told me that. She shakes her head. What did I say?

"She never came to get me Holland, I didn't even know," she says putting her hand on the side of my head. I whince a little. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt-" I cut her off by pulling her into my arms. I gave her a hug. When I set her down she looked a little happier.

"Aaliyah, I don't want to go on a date, or be with anybody else for that matter. I want to be with you," I say smiling at her.

"Then why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend I've been waiting!" she says. As if she realizes what she said her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth. This is what's been going on the whole time? My word, why didn't she just say something?! If I would have known that that's what this has been about I would have asked her sooner... I grab her hand and I pull her out of the doors and to her car. I skip the key off from around her neck and unlocked her car. I open the door for her.

"Let's go to my house," I request. Without a word She nods and jumps into the car. I shut her door and jog to my side. I hop in as She starts the car. Even though I know She's capable of putting on her seatbelt, I reach over her and buckle her in. She looks at me and smiles, a genuine smile. I smile back. That's the first time I've really smiled in days. We drive to my house in silence.
We walk through the front door and the smell of cookies hit me in the face. My mom is the best. Wait.... I'm not supposed to be at home. We still have a few hours of school left. Crap... "Go lay on the couch, I have an idea,"  Aaliyah says. I nod and walk to the couch and lay down.

"Ms. Boyce, Holland got a concussion at school. So I decided to being him home," she said to the mom, who was currently in the kitchen. She drops whatever she is holding and rund into the living room.

"Are you okay Holl?! What happened baby?" She asks. I  see the tears forming in her eyes. Wow she's emotional..

"Mom, I'm fine. I was running down the hall and accidently ran into an open locker. I hit my head really hard on that and fell in the tile floor at the school and hit my head again. But I'm fine now, I just figured it'd be best if I came home," I try to explain/ convince her.

"If only I'd been a better mother, this would have never happened!" she pouts  sadly. This whole crying thing must be a side affect from pregnancy... What can you do though, right?

"Mom, you aren't a bad parent, and this most certainly is not your fault!" I say, reaching up to give her a hug. She hugs me so tight that I thought my concussion was going to come back.

"I love you Holl,"she says.

"I love you too mom," I reply. She lets go of me and requests for Aaliyah to follow her into the kitchen. She gingerly follows my mom into the kitchen.

"Listen, Aaliyah, I'm sorry. I was being overly sensitive and irrational about you and Holland liking each other... Or being friends... Or whatever you guys are. But I want you to know that you are allowed in my house whenever you want. I didn't give you a fair shot, and I'm sorry,"she apologizes.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for barging into your quiet life and making it crazy," Aaliyah says.

"It's okay, thank you," my mom replies.

"Thank you," was the last thing I hear before my eyes shut and fall asleep.

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