Chapter 19

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Aaliyah got here two hours ago, and we've been packing my stuff. I stand up and walk over to her. I sit down by her, and she looks at me. "Lees, I think we need to talk," I tell her. She nods. "Aaliyah, I don't know how our relationship is going to last if we are apart. I don't mean that I don't want it to last, because I really want to try to make it work," I tell her.

"Holl, we aren't even official," she says. I nod. She does have a point. She moves closer to me and wraps her arm around my waist and looks at me. "That doesn't mean that I don't want to be official, because I really want to. I'm really going to miss you," she says, leaning her head on my shoulder. I feel so bad, I cant believe I'm moving away from this sweetheart.

"Aaliyah, I have a question, would you maybe be interested in trying to be in a long distance relationship?" I sign. She looks at me and smiles widely.

"Are you serious?! Oh my gosh! Yes! I... Yes!" she says ecstatically. I smile back at her.

"Aaliyah, can I ask you something," I ask. She nods. "Aaliyah, will you be my girlfriend?" her smile became even wider as she hugged me.

"Of course I will Holl," she says in the crook of my neck. I smile as I hug her back.

~~~Two Days Later~~~

I haul the last of the bags to the moving truck and shut the back. After I turn the key to the lock I hand it to my mom and smile sadly at her. I turn to look at Kat and Aaliyah. They were happily signing to each other. As I watch them I decide that I really need to get better at sign language. I walk over to the guys; Davis, Mike, Brad, and Zack. We all conversate for a few minutes before Davis pulls me to the side. "Holland, I'd like to tell you thank you for the way you treat Lees, I mean we all really appreciate how you are with her. I genuinely don't think I've seen her this happy in a long time," he tells me. I nod at his statement.

"Yeah, I haven't been this happy in a long time either, listen Davis, I'd really appreciate it if you'd protect her while I'm gone. I don't want anything bad to happen to her," I tell him. Davis pats my shoulder and nods.

"Just please don't hurt her," I shook my head.

"I would never," I promised him. We walk back to everyone and we all chat amongst ourselves. Everyone looks very aprehensive. I can tell the move is starting to become more apparent to my mom that we are moving in a matter of minutes. I feel hands wrap around my stomach. I look behind me and smile at Aaliyah, and she smiles back.

After a while more of talking we all decided that it was time to leave. I said goodbye to everyone, except for Aaliyah. I didn't want to except the fact that I was going to have to say goodbye to her. I walk over to her and smile sadly. "Lees, I'm really gonna miss you," I say as I grab both of her hands and intertwine her fingers in mine.

"I'm going to miss you too, Holl," she says. She lets go of my hands and wraps her arms around my neck. I sigh. I hug her back. Somehow she has seemingly made it even harder to have to leave. She let's go of me and smiles. "I don't know if your mom told you, but she told me I could come down to your house whenever I wanted to!" she says. I smile.

"Really?" I ask. She nods her head.

"Maybe it's not ideal, but as long as I can see you whenever I want, and I can stay, I guess it'll be more bearable," she says.

"You know, I'm so glad I have you Aaliyah."

"I'm glad I have you too Holl," she replies. I hear my mom yell that we are going. I tell Aaliyah goodbye, for now, one last time and walk to my car. As we drive away we all yell one last goodbye.

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