Chapter 25

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~Two Weeks Later~

I pull into Aaliyah's drive way and hop out of my truck. I couldn't wait to see Aaliyah and spend the weekend with her. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. Today the weather was rather chilly for a fall day. I guess it's a sign that November is coming to an end. December, and winter, is fastly approaching. After I realize that no one has answered I go to ring the doorbell, but her mom, Lydia, answers the door and pulls me in the house. "Hi, Holland," Lydia greets me as she shuts the door behind her. I give her a confused look. 

"Hi, Mrs. Waters, how are you?" I ask. She pulls me in for a hug. 

"I'm great, Holland, how are you?" she asks. She lets go of me and smiles.

"I'm great, so why were you so urgent to get me into your house?" I ask curiously.

"Aaliyah now has an app on her phone and can see who is at the front door at all times. When ever someone steps on the mat her phone goes off and she can chose if she wants to see who is there. She also has a bracelet that gives her a little shock whenever someone rings the doorbell, and when said person rings the doorbell she has no choice but to see who is there, because is automatically shows her who is there," I nod at her lengthy explanation. 

"So, I'm taking it that you never told her I was coming tonight?" I question.

"Nope, she still thinks you are coming tomorrow," Lydia says.

"So where is that beautiful daughter of yours? I'm super excited to see her," I say rubbing my palms together. I feel like if I have to wait any longer to see her my heart is literally going to jump out of my chest. 

"Aaliyah is in her room, upstairs," she informs me. I smile at her and thank her before running up the stairs. I walk down the hall and take time to look at the family pictures hanging on the wall. I stop when I see a picture of a girl that I've never met before. She has short blonde hair and green eyes. After I think for a minute I decide that it was most likely Aaliyah's older sister and decided to keep walking down the hallway. I get to a brightly lit room and walk into it. I saw that  Aaliyah was sitting on her bed so I stood in the doorway. She jumped slightly as her phone lit up. She quickly glances at the door, but I could tell she didn't see me the first time, but she quickly turns back to look at me.

"Oh my gosh! Holland!" She screams as she rolls over her bed and runs over to me. She jumps into my arms and gives me a huge hug. "I missed you so much Holl!" She says happily. She lets go of me and looks at me.

"I missed you too," I say smiling at her. She raps her arms around my neck and stands on her tip toes to hug me again. She buries her head in the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around her back and hold her tight. I missed this. 

"Holl, please come back. I miss you. You can live with me and finish high school," she says. I pull away from her. 

"Babe, you know I can't. I wish I could, but my mom needs me, she's going to have the babies on March 28th, so in about 4 months, and she's going to need a lot of help, I just can't leave her Lees," I tell her. She nods. 

"I know, but I want to be selfish and have you all to myself," she tells me. I smile.

"Maybe one day you will have me all to myself, but right now you can't because I'm only 17 and I have to stay with my mom and Marlin, but I swear that one day you will have me all to yourself if you want," I promise her while I grab her hands. She gives me a wide grin. 

"I would love that more than anything!" she tells me. She lets go of my hands and grabs her duffle bag. I take it from her. 'Let's go'  I sign. Aaliyah nods and smiles. I grab her hand and we walk down the hallway and stairs. We walk into her kitchen. 

"Mom, I'm gonna go, okay?" she asks, making her mom turn around. Her mom walks over to her and hugs her. I notice that her mom traced something, obviously words, on Aaliyah's back. After Lydia was done Aaliyah did it back. Aaliyah pulls away from her mom and smiles.

"I love you, honey, be careful. I love you so much," he mom says. Aaliyah nods.

"I'll be careful, I promise. I love you. You and Dad have fun with your anniversary," Aaliyah says kissing her mom's cheek. Lydia hugs Aaliyah one last time and looks at me after Aaliyah turns to go to the door.

"Holland, I'm putting my little girls safety in your hands, please keep her safe," Lydia says sternly. I nod.

"I'll take good care of her this weekend, I swear," I tell her.

"Are we gonna go, Babe?" Aaliyah's voice comes from behind me. I turn around to her and nod.

"Yeah let's go Lees," I tell her as I grab her hand and lead her out to my truck. I open the passenger side door for Aaliyah and shut it when she gets in, then I open the door directly behind her and put her duffel bag in, lastly I go to my side of the truck and get in. I start the ignition and with that we are off to my house.

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