Chapter 8

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My mom turns to me and I realized that maybe I shouldn't have said that. "You brought someone back into my life that I didn't want to be back in my life! I mean how do you think your birth mother would feel if I took you to her unexpectedly!" She huffed out blowing her hair out of her face. As I processed what she just said her eyes went wide. That's when I realized what she had said.

"What did you just say mom?" I question her as she falls onto her bed. I continue to think about what she said. Am I adopted?

"Huh, Holland you're adopted," my mom says falling onto her bed and sighing. I knew she was sorry, but questions still started to swirl around in my head as I look at her. Is this really the way she's going to tell me? Why didn't she tell me sooner? Why did she adopt me and give up Lees? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?! I breathe out to calm myself down, and for the first time it all made sense. I think about two years ago.

**Flashback to two years ago**

"Hey mom can I have some baby pictures of me right when I was born?" I ask my mom as I walk into the house and throw my backpack on the floor.

"Holand! Pick that up! And I already told you yesterday that I can't find any. I looked, but I still can't find them I'm sorry, they must have been misplaced in the move," she says as she picks up my backpack and puts it on the couch. She hands me a plate of cooked spinach. Uggg I hate spinach! She pulls me into the kitchen and we sit down. I look at all the pictures. In all of them I was around six months. It made no sense, why wouldn't she have pictures of her only child?

"Mom, how come there aren't any pictures of me before I was six months old?" I ask her. I knew she wasn't going to answer honestly. She always lies when I ask this question.

"I don't know what happened to all of them. I told you there was a house fire when you were little," she lies. I scoff and roll my eyes. I stand up and walk out of the dining room and go to my room to think.

**End of Flashback**

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I demand with a harsh tone. She's lied to me all these years! Why?! I start to wonder what else is a lie.

"Because Holland, I think your mother died," she says sadly. What?! No?! I didn't get to meet her?! Noo?! I feel like I'm going to cry, my birth mother died? I never even got to know her! I didn't even get a chance to prove that I'm a pretty good kid. I back out of my moms room slowly. I calmly walk to my room knowing that the tears were going to spill out of my eyes anytime. Why... How could me mother do this to me? I fall onto my bed.


I wake up and walk out to hear my mom talking on the phone. "I told him Marlin, he was a little upset.... I checked on him and he was asleep...... Yes, I know, I should have told him sooner....... I had no intentions to! That's why! Why NOT!?!?! Because I'm pretty sure his mother died!" she continues to ramble on and on. That's when realization hits me. I couldn't be mad at my mom for not telling me. She had her reasons, that I may never understand, never the less I have to forgive her and not let this ruin our relationship. However, if my mom is dead, I couldn't let my mom deny herself, and Aaliyah, the simple pleasures of getting to know each other. Because as much as I don't want to think about it, my mom or Aaliyah could die anytime, and I know for sure that my mom would regret that she never got to know Aaliyah. I knew what I had to do. I also knew it was going to be hard. I walk back into my room and after grabbing my keys I sneak out of my window and get into my car. As I back out my mom comes out and looks angry and hurt. She will eventually thank me for this. I start to drive down the road. I think we both need time to think. As I continue to drive I know where I need to go. As I pull into Katerina's driveway I kill the engine and walk up to her door. I casually knock on it.

"Hi, Holland, its been a long time since I have seen you," Genny, Katerina's mom's, voice rings in my ears.

"Hi, Mrs. Tomlinson, can I come in?" I ask impatiently. Now, you may recognize her last name from somewhere. Genny is the wife of former band member, Louis Tomlinson. I walk into their house, as always, it smells like peppermint. I walk up to Katerina's room and knock on her white door. When she opens it her face and blue eyes light up and she jumps into my arms.

As of now these questions may be flowing through your mind; Who is this Katerina Tomlinson? Why is she comin in now? What is going on between her and Holland? Why are you ruining my life Kennedy? I can reassure that all will be explained. In the next chapter. I am so sorry that I didn't update last week on Friday I was having major writers block, but here it is! I promise I will be better with updating soon. I'm currently in school as of now and it is taking a toll on me. But rest assured I will be better on updates. Picture of Katerina up above/ to the side.

Love, Kennedy

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