Chapter 14

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*Three days later*

I was walking down the hall, sulking about Aaliyah when someone grabs me and pulls me into a room. I see Davis, Brad, Zack, and Mike. All this does is make me sadder. Aaliyah wasn't kidding when she said that we were going to take a break. She wont talk to me, look at me, text me, or anything. "What did you do to Lees!?" Zack demands pushing my shoulder. I moan at the impact. I haven't been sleeping the last few nights and I'm a little weak right now.

"Don't ignore Zack! We know you did something, because she cries every time we play a love song, and she cancelled band practice today after school and skipped it durring free hour!" Brad says grabing the front of my shirt.

"I didn't do anything to her, I can guarentee you that none of this was my idea! If I had my way Aaliyah would have never broke up with me! I would have made her stay! Guys, I really didn't do anything," I defend myself weakly and barely autoble. The look back and forth between eachtoher before Brad lets go of my shirt.

"I hardly believe that, I mean Lees is crazy about you, and she always talks about how she wants you back," Davis says.

"Well I hardly believe you, Davis, she wont talk or look at me. I swear I've tried!" I argue. I sound so whimpy and weak. I heat the gymnasium door swing open behind me.

"What are you guys doing?" Aaliyah asks as she the door slams. My heart stops then starts to beat out of my chest. I hear her gasp.

"Don't you dare leave Aaliyah! You and Holland are going to figure this out!" Mike demands. I hear her say no, and I feel even worse. Man she must really hate me. My stomach rumbles, reminding me I've barely eaten anything for three days. I hear the door swing open and close it again.

"Come on dude what the heck are you doing?" Mike questions.

"Yeah dude why aren't you running after her?" Davis asks.

"What am I supposed to do? It's like she doesn't even want to give me a chance to help fix things between us," I say sadly. They all groaned and that's when it clicked. I ran out of the auditorium doors and ran down the hall as fast as I could. The only thing I could think about was catching up to Aaliyah finding her. I needed to I needed her I just need her. I couldn't explain what I felt in those moments of running down the hall to go find her. All I can explain is what it felt like when I came to a halt from running into an open Locker door.
-------a while later-------
I wake up with a damp wash cloth on my forehead. Where am I?? I sit up and the washcloth falls onto my lap. How did this happen? "How are you Holland?" a woman's voice asks me. I hear the woman's heels click as She walks towards me. When she comes into the light I see Nurse Heoner.

"I'm good, what happened?" I ask. She laughs at me. Oh no what happened....

"You were running down the hall and ran into an open locker. You hit your head pretty hard, you have a light concussion," she informs me.

"How'd I get here?" I ask curiously.

"Olivia Green came and told us." I nod. "Olivia is going to be with you for the rest of the day, if that's fine," she adds. I nod. She calls Olivia in.

As me and Olivia walk out of the nurses office I turn to her. "Olivia, I think I'll be fine," I say smiling at her. Then my head starts to spin. "Is the room spinning till you too?" I ask as I start to too. She swiftly grabs my arm and throws it around her shoulders and puts her arm around my waist.

"Not a chance Holland. Are you hungry?" She asks looking at me. I nod. "Okay, let's go to my house and eat lunch!" she says As we walk out of the doors. I nod. She helps me to her royal blue car and into it. She buckles me up and shuts the door. After She gets in and puts her seatbelt on and turns on the radio.

"Holland do you need anything?" Olivia asks me. I shake my head, not wanting to ask for anything. She shakes her head and gives me a bottle of coke. I pop it open and take a drink.

"Thanks," I mutter. She laughs.

"Holland, what happened to you and Aaliyah? I mean I thought you guys were like together, but after you hit my locker and passed out I brought you to the nurses office and I tried to go get Aaliyah, but she wouldn't come," she says frowning. I shrug.

"I'm not exactly sure what happened, I mean appear entry we were going to fast or something?" I ask rather than say. She nods. Then she starts to sing. I fought the urge to cover my ears. Not that she was bad... But he kinda is.... I listen to her singing Justin Bieber until we got to her house. I was forever greatful when her car radio shut off and we got out of her car. She helped me up the stairs and into her house. I tried not to pay attention to the mess, but honestly it's kind of difficult though.

"Um... I'm sorry for the mess, we are moving next week. Our house has been worse, but it's finally clean," she say smiling. This is her version of clean? My word. There are boxes in every corner. Clothes are shrewd everywhere. There had to be about 20 bottles of empty pop, and 15 half full bottles of pop. We walk into her kitchen and it was worse. A sink overflowing with dirty dishes, there was plates of food on the table, and there were dirty dish rags... It was kinda disgusting.

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