Chapter 20

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I pull into the driveway right behind my mom's car and hop out of the moving truck. Uggg, I should not have agreed to drive the moving truck to our new house. I walk up to my mom and Marlin and we go into the house that mom and Marlin bought, which was surprisingly bigger than I remember it being.  I take in the huge living room that connects to the kitchen. There wasn't any furniture in any of the rooms, but I'm sure my mom was getting it soon.

"Holland, come help us haul these boxes!" my mom yells, "then I'll show you your room!" she adds. I walk out of the front door and walk over to her and Martin. My mom hands me a box.

"Be very careful with these, they go in the kitchen," I nod and take them in my house.


After about an hour we were done unloading all of the boxes. It was nice to finally be done with them. I walk up the stairs to my room and start to unpack. It was nice that all of my stuff was here, because my mom literally sold everything else in our house, including her bed. Luckily for her the bedroom set she ordered is getting delivered tonight at around 6:15 or so. I put my clothes in my dresser and closed the drawers. I was beat, but I did promise Aaliyah I'd call her when I got settled. I dialed her number and waited. She answers after about 3 rings. 

"Holl?" she asks excitedly. I smile when I hear her voice. 

"Hi, Lees," I reply.

"How are you? Did you get there safe?" she questions.

"Yeah, I'm here safe," I say. I hear my mom call my name. "Aaliyah, my mom is calling my name. I'm sorry, I gotta go," I say. I hear her sigh. 

"Okay, I'll talk to you later, k?" she asks. 

"Okay, bye baby," I say. 

"Bye Holland," she says with a little giggle before she hangs up. I put my phone on my bed and walk downstairs to see my mom and Martin sitting on the floor looking at some kind of magazine. I sit down on the floor across them and watch as my mom points at the page, then turns it. Martin shakes his head at me when he catches me watching them curiously. 

"Holl, honey, I left a few things in the car, can you please go get them?" my mom asks, withot looking up from the magazine. I reluctantly nod and get off of the floor. I walk through the front door and go to the car. I pull the bag in the passenger seat out of the car and shut the door. When I turn around there was a girl with long blonde hair and brown standing behind me. I jump slightly, causing her to laugh.

"Hi, I'm Malory, your next door neighbor. What's your name?" she asks giving me a wide smile.

"I'm Holland, nice to meet you," I say sticking my free hand out, to shake hers. She takes it and we shake hands. For a moment after shaking hands she doesn't let go of my hand, making me feel extremely  uncomfortable, so I say the only thing I can think to say.

"I have a girlfriend." Malory's eyes fell as she took her hand from mine. I couldn't help but feel extremely awkward after saying that to a complete stranger. She looks at me after a minute, her smile is back. 

"Cool, I bet it's nice having a significant other," she says. It was obvious she was trying not to be awkward.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that I said that," I say awkwardly. 

"It's chill, are you going to Hexville High School?" she asks. I nod. 

"Maybe I'll see you tomorrow then," she says. I nod.

"It'll be nice to have a friend tomorrow," I say. She nods.

"Well I'll talk to you tomorrow, see ya later Holland," she says before crossing the street and running into her house. I realize then that I probably wont have a friend tomorrow, which would be nice. I walk into my house and hand the  bag to my mom.

"Thank you Holl. Oh I wanted to tell you that Martin and I are getting married in about a month, so maybe you could talk to Aaliyah about comming with you," I smile and nod.

"Thanks mom, I wanted to know if Aaliyah could maybe come down here in a few weekends," I say. 

"Yes sweetheart that would be fine," my mom replied. I walk to my room and shut the door. For some reason I feel like this is going to be harder than I thought.  

Hey guys, it's Kennedy. I'm sorry that this chapter is short. I have minor writers block. Hopefully I will be able to kick it and post as many chapters  as I can before I start school once again! Thanks for commenting and voting! It means a lot! 

-Love you guys, 

Love Kennedy 

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