Chapter 16 ~3 weeks later~

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. Yay! School! I turn my alarm off and reluctantly get out of bed. I walk into the bathroom and quickly shower and brush my teeth. Once I am done with that I walk back into my room and look at my it. Man I need to clean this. Ah, I'll do it later. I pick a shirt up off of my floor and smell it. It smells clean so let's just go with that. I put my clothes on, spike my hair, put cologne and deodorant on. I walk downstairs to see a huge plate of pancakes in the of the table. I smirk when I realized no one is in here. I had a weird feeling about this. My mom has never made pancakes before, but whatever, I'm hungry. I put 3 on a plate and put some of my mom's home made syrup on them. When I take the first bite I feel like gagging. I don't think this is how pancakes are supposed to taste like this.. I take another bite. This is disgusting. My goodness. "Good morning Holland, how do you like the pancakes? They're organic, plus they have some  really delicious tofu in them," my mom says, smiling at me. I swallow the second bite and down it with orange juice. I go back to my bathroom and brush my teeth for the second time. I walk to the front door, where my backpack was laying, and picked it up. "Bye mom! I love you!" I yell.

"I love you too Holland! Make good choices!" I roll my eyes at her and make the long treacherous journey to school.

As I listen to the morning anouncements they remind us about prom. Why is prom so great? I mean all you do is take pictures and dance. I didn't want to go to prom at all, but I know if I don't ask and go with Aaliyah she'll be sad. I don't want her to be sad. The announcements sign off and I'm left there to think about how I'm going to ask Aaliyah to prom. I've never done it before, asked anybody to prom. I just feel that problem is overrated and a waste of time. However, I kind of want to go with Aaliyah. I think it'll be fun to hang out with someone that I really like. We haven't made it official because I haven't found the right time to ask her to make it official. She's been really swamped with band practice and I've been really swamped with my family, actually just my mom, she's been really worried about her wedding and she's dragged me to about 5 million dress shops to find her perfect wedding dress. Man I'm glad I'm not a girl I wouldn't want to go through all that trouble just for one stupid day. Not that your wedding date is stupid, per se, but I'm just glad that I don't have to find a wedding dress, find someone to do my makeup, find someone to do my hair, find the perfect dress, because I'm a guy I don't need make-up and I don't need my hair done all I need is a tux and some nice wedding shoes. Anyways back to the task at hand. I need to find a way to ask Aaliyah that is very very very unique.

But what's a unique way to ask a girl to prom? The Bell Rings taking me out of my train of thought. I have student service next hour in the office. Maybe I can get some ideas from Ms. Hollis... or maybe not, I'm not exactly sure how they used to do it back when she was a kid, but I'm pretty sure that way is pretty outdated. And term I walk into the office and say hello to miss Hollis. "Hi Holland how are you today?" She asks me with a grin on her face. I smile back.

"Eh, okay, but I have a question for you. How do you ask a girl to prom?

She gives me a nervous grin, "Holland how do you think I would know how to ask a girl to prom?"

"Obviously I've never asked a girl to prom." I nod my head.

"Oh yeah sorry, I just didn't know if you could give me ideas about how guys used to ask you to prom?"

"Holland as much as it may surprise you I haven't always been the man charmer I am today," she says giving me a grin, "I was more interested in playing the clarinet in band and reading books." I know, of course my only plan backfires. I go and sit on the not so comfortable black chairs that she has in the office for me and think. How do you ask a girl to prom? I mean maybe it's not a big deal, but I want to make it perfect for Aaliyah.

Miss Hollis clears her throat. "Holland can you take this into the auditorium it's for-"

"Yes I'll take it!" I say as I jump up and pull the paper out of her hand. I walk to the auditorium excitedly. I decide to look at whose name is on here, that might be smart when I walk into their rehearsal. It's for Davis. I walk into the auditorium doors and listen to Aaliyah singing. She's singing a song I don't know. I sit and listen for a while until Mike notices me and asks what I want.

"Oh this is for Davis," I say holding up the paper. Davis jumps off of the stage and grabs the paper from me.

"Hey dude, thanks!" He exclaims.

"You're welcome.. I guess?" I say.

"She said yes!" he announces to his band.

"No way I didn't think that Carly was going to say yes to you!" Mike exclaimes.

"Me neither!" Davis says ecstatically. I tilt my head up and Aaliyah and smile at her. She smiles back with a glimmer of something in her eyes.  I think she wants me and ask her to prom right now...

"Well guys I have to be going but it was nice seeing you again," I say before bolting out of the door. I walk into the office and sit down covering my face with my hands. What do I do?

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