The Timids

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I’d do anything to see Drew smile, that’s not an exaggeration, I mean it. Anything. I’d climb Everest, scream it out on the top, “I Love Drew Woolnough!”Just to hear his laugh. I would move away from my family and friends if it means I would be able to see the upwards curls of his lips, the indents of his dimples, his slightly high pitch giggle as he looks at me, sparkles in his eyes.  I’d quit the band for him, no, wait! Scratch that, I wouldn’t, then I wouldn’t be able to pay for this fur ball.

What ‘fur ball’ I hear you ask?

Drew’s Kitten, that’s what.

Being the amazing boyfriend that I am, I thought as a 3 year anniversary gift, I’d buy him a kitten. You see, Drew has always gone on about the ‘tiny bundles of fluff’ and I promised him since we got together that if/when we get serious and he moves in with me, I would buy him one, which he has, so I did and I’ve regretted it ever since.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret having Drew living with me, I regret buying this shitting machine. It’s cute, I will admit that, ginger with white train tracks going down its back, but my god, it can shit. Behind the TV, under the dining room table, on our bed, everywhere, except in its litter tray. Where the furry shit is supposed to do its shit. Now when I bought her, yes, it’s a she, I refused to have a male because I’ve heard that males piss everywhere. I’d like my house piss smelling free, thank you. Anyway, when I bought her, they told me she was litter trained. Litter trained my arse. I might attach a litter tray on wheels to its arse, like to see her leave a shit behind my TV then, bitch.

“Shane, stop glaring at her!”

I brought out of my thoughts by Drew, the love of my life, who was glaring up at me from his place on the living room floor, where he was playing with the shitter previously. I smiled at him apologetically and he resumed his task of trying to wear the kitten out so we can go to bed without its infernal whining.

Drew looked up at me again.

“Shane, sweetie, you can go to bed, if you’d like, I’ll stay here.”

Another thing I hate about the fur ball, she took my Drew away.

I nodded sleepily and shuffled back up the stairs of our house and fell onto the bed.

Okay maybe, I was over reacting a little, Kitten’s need attention, but so do the boyfriends who’s partners are downstairs when they should be up here cuddling them because it’s fucking freezing. Yes, I am jealous of a kitten, I’m fucking insane.

I chuckled at myself and snuggled up to Drew’s pillow on his side of the bed, inhaling his scent. I hummed in delight. I loved Drew’s smell, it was sweet, so captivating. 

Shortly after, as I was dozing off, I heard the creak of our bedroom door opening and the click of it shutting as Drew wandered into the room. I rolled over slightly, giving him room as he snuggled under the covers. I put my arm over his waist, cuddling him in the dark and rested my head on his stomach. He hummed.

“Hey.” I whispered.

“Hey.” He mirrored.

“It settled down then.” I noted.

“Yep! Aww, Shane, it was so cute! She came and curled in my lap and fell asleep!” Drew said excitedly, I wish I could see his face right now; he always has this adorable look on his face when he’s excited, his eyes are wide and his grin is large. I sat up and turned his bedside lamp on, then lay back in my previous, cosy position.

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