The Dating Site (Sequel)

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Author's Note:- Dedicated to @Cyrus-Winchester as it's his birthday today! Happy Birthday, Dude!! <3

Shane's POV

Today was the day. The day I finally meet Drew. We've been speaking online for quite some time now, everyday in fact, and the last time we spoke was when we decided to meet. He was different, yes, but interesting; something I didn't find many people to be nowadays, and he made me smile; something not many people are able to do. Not even Kier on most days.

Heading into my bedroom I turned on my Hi-Fi, smiling at the sound of my favourite band flooding through the speakers quite loudly - I'll get complaint letters from my neighbours later - and swayed towards the wardrobe, singing and bouncing along to the song by the time I'd opened the shined wooden doors. It's not everyday that I was stumped on what to wear, admittedly I never had that problem. My personal fashion style had never been that complicated, mostly revolving around band merch and the odd checkered shirt added with black skinny jeans. Yet, while gazing into the pig-sty I called my wardrobe I could only think of one thing; What the hell do I wear?!

Sensing a blush rising up to the surface of my cheeks I dug through my clothes, eventually settling on a pair of jeans that didn't have a noticable rip in the crotch somewhere and weren't as faded as the others before slipping them on with only almost falling over twice, then began the search for a T-shirt. Now, this simple sounding task wasn't as easy as it seemed when you're me; I own way more band shirts and checkered tops than an average male; I'd say I at least buy three new shirts each pay day, then a few more to 'treat myself' during the month, then repeat.

After around twenty minutes later - I should have been out the house in fifteen - I finally settled with a recent purchase of mine; A marvel comics collage t-shirt. Now, I'm not saying that I was wearing this because I knew Drew was a fan, but I was wearing this because Drew was a fan. I wanted to make a good impression, is that so wrong?

Then it was the mammoth task of deciding what shoes to wear; my Doc Martins, my cheaper lookalikes of my Doc Martins, or converse... and if it was converse which ones? Bart Simpson, plain black, or Green Day's Dookie design? Eventually, I settled for a pair of Converse, the design of Batman's 'The Joker' designed on each side that I'd found hidden away beneath my bed, gathering dust. Now, I'm not saying that I was wearing this because I knew Drew was a fan...

Soon after I was leaving the house, approximately twenty minutes a later than originally planned, and now wrapped up tightly in a winter coat and matching striped hat and scarf - Harry Potter's Ravenclaw house to be precise. (A 'Joke' gift from Kier last christmas) Although all my previous hard work of choosing a particular outfit was now ruined, I was comfortable in my decisions and began to short journey towards the Cinema. I had orginally planned to be the first one there, meaning I could be the one to wait and leave Drew to find me. However, now it was around ten minutes past the time we'd orignally planned to meet, it was more likely to be my job to do the awkward 'Hi, umm, are you Drew? I'm Shane... Yeah, a disappointment, isn't it?' which I wasn't looking forward to, not one bit.

I eventually made it to the correct street, nerves bubbling inside at the mere thought of approaching the cinema and finding Drew - the man I've been speaking to for not very long- and seeing him in the flesh; We'd traded photos between conversations, but they could be deceiving, what with photoshop and other various photo editing software available nowadays.

As I gradually approached the cinema I couldn't help but scan my eyes across the various people hanging around outside, chewing on my already non-existent nails. There were a few teenagers in hoodies, carrying cans of various alcoholic beverages while catcalling anyone of the opposite sex who was unfortunate enough to walk past.

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