The Argument

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It’s was just a petty argument, about something neither of them could remember, but then it got worse, and it turned ugly.

“Well, if you feel that way, why don’t you just leave?!” Drew’s voice boomed around the apartment.

“I would but then you’d make that pouty face and I’d be back to square one!” Shane’s voice followed closely behind.

It started a few hours ago, Drew would have done something silly, like forget to turn the sink’s taps off after using them or, forgetting to pick up some more bread on his way home, and then it would evolve into a full blown argument. They have been fighting a lot recently, both boys knew it, but even the simplest of things would set them off and nothing would stop them.

“Oh, so it’s my fault?!” Drew exclaimed.

They were in the living room of their apartment they bought together. They bought it a few months into their relationship, which some would say was too early in to buy a place together, but Shane and Drew had known each other for years before then.

They were standing in opposite ends of the room, scowling at each other. Both mirroring eachother, with their chests puffed out and arms folded across each other.  Even in arguments they were the same, they always were two peas in a pod, they were so alike, which is why people think they argue so much, they’re practically the same person in two bodies.

“Drew, you know I didn’t mean it that way.” Shane said lowering his voice slightly.
“Yes you did! Everything is always my fault according to you! You always blame me!” Drew screeched.

“No, I don’t!”

Drew rolled his eyes. “You treat me like a child. I’m just silly, naïve, little Drew, aren’t I?!” Drew was glaring across the room at Shane, tears clouding his vision as he spoke. He hated it when they fought, he hated it so much, but no matter how much he tried, Shane always managed to piss him off.

“Don’t be St-” Shane stopped mid-sentence and immediately calmed as he saw a single tears drip down his boyfriends face and onto his shirt. “Oh, Drew.”

Shane began to walk towards him but Drew stepped back, signalising to Shane not to come any closer. Shane sighed.

“You always do this.” Drew mumbled. “You always start something.”

“It’s not just me, you do it too.” Shane replied, suddenly finding interest in the floor.

“Oh please. Perfect Shane would never do anything like that, is that it?!” Drew began to raise his voice again. They would be expecting a visitor soon, probably old Mrs Jones from next door, demanding they keep it down as she can’t hear ‘countdown’ on her TV.

“What are you talking about?” Shane growled.

“You were always the perfect one! Always doubting everyone else! You’re the perfect guitarist, Artist, writer! You’re the smart, mature, member of the band, and what am I?! Oh, I’m just Drew Woolnough, the timid in the shadow of my perfect boyfriend! Well guess what, Shane?!” He stepped up into Shane’s face. “I’m done being in your shadow. I’m done with your shit, we’re over!”

Drew turned away and walked out the room, leaving a very confused Shane frozen in place, listening to the sounds of Drew walking out the apartment and slamming the door behind him. A few stray tears made their way down his face as realisation set in with what just happened.

Drew’s gone, he’s left me. I really did it this time, well done, Sumner. I don’t understand, I would never class myself as perfect. I never have.


He lowered himself to the ground, and curling up in the space on the floor where he stood preciously, allowing the tears to drip down his face and the cries to be released.


I should have seen this coming. We’ve been arguing for weeks, but it’s never gotten this far. Never gotten as far as for Drew to break up with me. I’m all alone now, I’ve never lived on my own before, we used to live with the band but it was too crowded so we left. I don’t want to be alone, I want Drew. Oh Drew, my gorgeous Drew.


He let out a loud whimper.

He’s not my Drew anymore.


Shane lay there are hours, not wanting to move, all he could think about was how stupid he was, how he managed to mess up so much that his boyfriend, and best friend hated him now, and walked away from everything they had, because of him. Eventually he fell into an uneasy sleep.

When he woken up, it was dark, and he heard rattling from the hallway. He sat up immediately and wiped his face with his hands, attempting to wake himself up.  He sucked in a breath as he heard someone unlocked the door and enter the apartment. He wasn’t sure who it was, he gave the other three members of the band keys too in case of emergencies, but it clicked in his head when he heard the footsteps. The familiar quiet, yet quick, small steps that he heard countless times made him nervous. A recognisable figure entered the room but stood in the doorway nervously biting his nails.

“Shane?”  “Drew?” Both men whispered in sync.

They smiled at eachother and Shane stood slowly, not taking his eyes off the boy in front of him. They stood in silence, taking in each other’s features before anyone dared to speak.

Shane couldn’t stand the eerie silence any longer.

“Drew, l-listen, I’m so, so sorry! If I had known that was how you felt I would have done something sooner, I’d never hurt you intentionally, you know that, and I know I do stupid things sometimes, well regularly but I wo-” Shane rambled on.

Drew giggled slightly and cut him off with a kiss. Shane immediately relaxed and Drew began to pull away but Shane gripped his back, hugging him and pulling him back in for another. They pulled away and rested their heads against each other’s, grinning ear to ear.

“I’m so sorry, Drew.” Shane mumbled, staring into Drew’s eyes.

Drew nodded slightly in response. “Me too.”

“I never meant to hurt you, I love you so much, and I know I me-”

Drew silenced him by kissing his lips lightly.

“Shut up, you idiot.” He muttered, smiling.

Shane laughed against him.

“Can we start again?” Drew asked quietly, as if he was nervous of the answer.

Shane nodded. “Definitely.”

Drew pulled away from the embrace slightly and looked into Shane eyes.

“Shane Sumner, would you be my boyfriend?”

Shane beamed down at him. “I’d love to.”

Drew chuckled and leaned up to Shane to seal it with a kiss, Shane gladly obliged.   

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