The Infamous Stranger

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He's there again. I can see him. Sitting across from me, two seats to the left, with a backpack squeezed between his legs on the floor. He's not looking ahead; his eyes are trained to his phone while his sandy blond hair covered his eyes that I am yet to see. I wonder what they're like? If they're anything like the rest of his breathtaking body I bet they're stunning. I wonder what colour they are… A delicious chocolate brown? A calming ocean blue; awaiting me to drown in? A stunning emerald green; the colour of luscious summer grass? Who knows, but I need to see them. However, that is almost impossible when the stranger refuses to lift his head or sweep his impressively long fringe away from his eyes. I wonder why he does that, does he not like his eyes? Is he shy? I wish I knew him, I wish I could tell him how beautiful he looks; that he doesn’t have to hide behind his locks... but that would be weird. I’m a stranger, just another human living in his gloomy world. I bet he isn’t even aware of my existence.

I know a very few things about him, only ones I found out from his appearance. He appears to have a mixed music taste; jumping from Iron Maiden and Enter Shikari shirts to a blinding yellow JLS top the next. I'm not sure he is actually a fan though, that particular morning on the tube he seemed mightily peeved off; curling his coat around him tightly to cover it up while somewhat screaming down his mobile to who appeared to be a kitchen appliance company... obviously there was something wrong there. He was being unnecessarily loud that morning; however I wasn't going to complain, not when I had the opportunity to hear his heavenly voice. It's low, lower than I pictured, and it must be the most calming voice in existence... if I ever get to hear it when he's not furious, that is.

He also has a rather mixed wardrobe with his other clothes too. Skinny jeans seemed to be a similar likeness we possess but he also has other coloured jeans too... rather unique ones. Starting from a blood red and skimming across the similar colours until he rests on a, admittedly hideous, lime green pair of jeans. He really is something different. This one particularly hot summer day I saw him at the station in classic blue jean shorts! That was new but I got to 'glance' at his calves for a little while so it was a win win situation really. He has nice calves, very nice.

I usually see him on weekdays at around ten to nine in the morning when everyone is on their way to work, then I see him later on in the afternoon to get the tube back at around five past five. I’m guessing he works somewhere he doesn’t enjoy. He slumps and sighs, occasionally scratching his head in distress with his own mind. I hope he figures things out soon, it would be nice to see him smile. I saw him on a Saturday evening once... at least, I think it was him. I mean, he had the long fringe combed down over his eyes. However, he was dressed completely differently. He wore a white button up shirt - sleeves rolled up to his elbows - with black, extremely tight skinny jeans, two belts securing them to his hips. A waistcoat was wrapped around his figure while an odd black and white scarf was tied into a bow around his neck, which oddly suited his choice of dress. He completed his outfit with varnished biker boots and a pair of goggles atop his head, keeping his hair in place. He looked quite warm, as if he just left the gym. His friends followed him on board, each dressed as uniquely as he was. One with a jet black sweeping fringe, dressed quite formally in a suit while the other with brown hair, a scarlet fringe pushed away from his eyes. He was dressed in a black shirt with a similar coloured waistcoat. They all were cover in white power, as if they got into an argument while babysitting or making cakes. They were certainly the 'oddballs on the tube' that evening. I was sat with my friend Luke who turned to me.

"Didn't realize comic con was back around." He remarked, making me smirk slightly.

To be honest, they did look like they were coming back from a convention but the one with the Blood Red fringe was excitedly rambling so loud, it wasn’t long until I figured out why he was dressing so oddly.

“That gig was so… damn… good!” I heard him say, a cheeky grin gracing his features while bouncing slightly on the spot. They went to see a band dressed like that?

“I know!” The raven haired male beside him replied, slightly more hushed. “I think I messed up a little in Bow Ties though.”

Oh, they were in a band? And they performed this evening? I wonder where... I felt my gaze turning slightly before lingering on the blond once more… A musician… huh.

Here we are again. The infamous stranger on the same carriage… he was always on the same carriage as me. Him, sitting there on his phone, earphones dug into his ears and I, sneaking glances his way every now and then. However this time, before I had the chance to turn away as I spotted movement, he looked up. I gasped slightly as his breathtaking orbs met mine, my eyes widening as he glanced. He smiled timidly at me, lip syncing what appeared to be a “Hi.” before returning to his mobile.

I released a shaky breath I wasn’t aware I previously held.

Green. They were a stunning Jade Green. 

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